

For time:
Row 20 calories
30 Burpees
45/35 pound Two-arm dumbbell ground-to-overhead, 40 reps
50 Toes to bar
100 foot Walking lunge with 45lb plate held overhead
150 foot Sprint *

Coaches Notes:
The sprint will be from the barricades to the wall (that says 'remote starts') and back.

Community Notes:
We are holding a Level 1 Seminar this weekend, November 9th and 10th...all classes will be held at the Annex, 110C DeKalb Street.  There will be NO CrossFit "cubs" class on Saturday at 10AM.  Competitors class will be held at 7:00AM. 

Babysitting will be held at the 9:30AM class today an next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.  Sign up in MindBody to reserve your spot.

“The ability to learn faster than your competitors may be only sustainable competitive advantage.” -Arie de Geus quotes


  1. Look at those fun burpee standards!

  2. Barb 18:21 20/10
    Ronnie 17:02 20/15
    Joe G. 19:13 25/35
    Kara 14:41 15/15
    Christ 14:41 15/15
    Jill H. 16:39 20/15
    Fran 13:01 15/10
    Al V. :-) RX
    Jonathan 12:52 25/25
    Mark H. 15:36 45/45
    Nick Z. 12:07 70KB/45DB
    Rich P. 17:36 25/25
    David C. 15:32 15/15
    PH 15:20 SC
    Regi 12:27 SC
    Ryan B. 13:28 RX
    Beaver 16:01 SC
    Caruso 16:50 SC
    King 15:47 RX
    Waves 16:34 SC
    Wegman 14:15 RX
    M.K. 15:21 SC
    Joy 14:20 SC

  3. John 16:22 SC
    Jill 14:58 SC
    Dave 21:33 RX
    DEE 17:05 SC
    Patrick P. 17:23 RX
    Seshu 14:58 SC
    Damien (David) 21:20 SC
    Derreck 20:02 RX
    Bre 17:30 SC
    Shawna 16:44 SC
    Stasie 18:20 SC

    Good job guys, Patricks Double DB Snatch was epic.

  4. Patrick is getting ready for the Masters comp at R5 on 12/14!

    Cate - always one of my favorites, well not in practice at 6AM...but a good one!
