

3 Rounds for time of:
500 Meter Row
15 Body Weight Deadlifts (your bodyweight in pounds loaded on the bar)
3 Muscle Ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held in the Annex.

“The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud.” 
― Coco Chanel


  1. 0600 way to go this morning! Happy Hump-Day!

    Pete W 11:40 sc
    Oleg 11:20 sc
    King 14:15 sc
    Kathleen 14:24 sc
    Kim 15:11 sc
    Erika 15:46 sc
    Steve Z 16:20 sc
    Rachel 17:09 sc
    Mike S 17:35 sc

  2. Lauren 12:01 #83 Band
    Nicole 12:02 #97 SC
    Jonathan 11:36 #185 JMU
    Nick Z. 10:52 #165 JMU
    Ryan S. 13:19 #155 PU/DIP
    Ronnie 14:49 #85 PU/DIP
    Fugo 13:00 #65 SC
    Diane 14:58 #185 SC

  3. Happy Birthday Coach Cate!!!!!

  4. 4:30
    TP 10:16 Rx 155
    Joy 16:08 145 sc
    Anne Br 16:47 65# sc
    Regi 15:45 135# sc
    Liza 15:22 73# sc
    Joe C 15:55 200 att
    Rob Ph 14:02 225# sc
    Justin R 17:38 225# sc
    Kyle W 12:30 205# sc
    Brian R 14:04 185# mut (ground)
    JenJen 17:30 mua
    Mike T 10:42 Rx+ 225#

    Ditty 19:40 135# sc
    Deedee 17:07 sc
    Megs ??
    Tim McC 10:27 Rx 165#
    Klutch 17:50 mua
    Derreck work
    Shawna 18:46 83# sc
    Alona 18:37 sc
    Kevin Y 13:55 70#kb

    Matt B 16:26 sc
    Shoeless 17:32 Rx
    Vinny 14:56 Rx
    Tom C 14:27 160# sc
    Dave 18:24 sc
    Johnny 17:30 mua
    Bre 17:16 135# sc
    Conn 18:19 145 mu/mua
    Pablo 19:50 145# sc
    Greg 14:42 165# sc

    nice job folks! 4:30 is always a fun class (top 13 class?), 5:30 was just a loopy class including giggly girls and Sean Connery making an appearance, and 6:30 was a fantastic showcase of Vinny getting off the rower first which of course means he won.

  5. 7:30pm
    Al V :)
    Dan M 21:06 scale
    Steph C 20:10 scale
    Seshu 19:10 scale
    Gavin 17:42 scale

    Kudos to Gavin - deadlift form is looking better! Kudos to Dan for tackling strict ring pullups tonight - not to be underestimated - they are hard!
