

Partner WOD:

Teams of two will complete the following for rounds and reps, one athlete must complete all three exercises (all reps = one round) then the next athlete does a round. Full rounds must be completed by each athlete before they switch.  Athletes must alternate each round.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 18 minutes of:
115/75 pound Push press, 10 reps
10 Box jumps, 24/20 inch box
10 KB Swings, 55/35#

Community Notes:
Babysitting at the 9:30AM starts today (Tuesday, Thursday and Friday), make sure to sign in MindBody in order to take advantage of this service.  You must sign in one hour prior in order for the sitter to show up. This is a FREE service for members.

This weekends classes will ALL be held at the Annex as we are hosting a level 1 seminar.

"Those who truly have the spirit of champions are never wholly happy with an easy win. Half the satisfaction stems from knowing that it was the time and the effort you invested that led to your high achievement."
-Nicole Haislett


  1. 6am

    Team Kissy Paul/Gina 11rounds
    *Gina stepped up and swung around the 55#kb 10reps strung like a boss

    Team "Ace and Gary" aka Peter W/King Rx 14rounds

    Team Mike S/"I slept in" Alex 2 reps shy of 12 rounds

  2. Kara and Chris 13sc
    Fugo and Barb 11+25sc
    Bre and Sue 10+20sc
    David and Jonathan 13sc
    Alex and Rich 11+10sc
    Fran and Lauren 10+14
    Chip 7+4sc

  3. 5:30

    Miranda/Cline 12+9sc
    Laura/Tim 17+13 RXish
    AOTM/10+15 Scalish
    Joe Sr/Joe Jr 8+20 Ouch
    Jill/Heather 13+26 scalish
    James Solo 10 Scale


    Alona/Lauren 12+6 scale
    Johnny/Matt B/Kyle scale
    Dave/Derreck 11+17 Rx
    George/Andre 5+25 scale
    Steph/Rachel 14+9 scale

  4. 5:30

    Miranda/Cline 12+9sc
    Laura/Tim 17+13 RXish
    AOTM/10+15 Scalish
    Joe Sr/Joe Jr 8+20 Ouch
    Jill/Heather 13+26 scalish
    James Solo 10 Scale


    Alona/Lauren 12+6 scale
    Johnny/Matt B/Kyle scale
    Dave/Derreck 11+17 Rx
    George/Andre 5+25 scale
    Steph/Rachel 14+9 scale

  5. Regi/Froning: 8+10 (scale)
    Agam/Ryan: 16+16 (Rx scale)
    Beav/Wood: 15+14 (scale)
    JoeC/Rome: 13+25 (scale)

  6. Regi, so cool you got to workout with Froning! It must have been tough though since he probably completed each round about a minute

  7. Jaime/Maddie 14+6SC
    Seshu/Chris 7+10SC
    Tom/Brett 12RX
