

 Welcome to Alex---visiting from NY!
Nick's favorite WOD!

For time:
Run 1600 meters
150 Double-unders
50 Burpees
Run 800 meters
100 Double-unders
35 Burpees
Run 400 meters
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees

*Time cap on this WOD will be 30 minutes, scale as needed.  If you cannot complete the indicated work above you will stop at 30 similar to an "AMRAP".

Community Notes: 
We will be offering another structured strength class for all of you early risers.  7AM on Wednesday's starting this Wednesday, 11/6 at 7:00AM.  In this strength class the programming is done for you, Coach Steph will put you though the paces.

"Victory isn't defined by wins or losses. It is defined by effort. If you can truthfully say, 'I did the best I could, I gave everything I had,' then you're a winner."
-Wolfgang Schadler


  1. GREAT JOB 6 am. Meg & Chris, you killed it. Awesome meeting everyone!

    Megs 28:02
    Chris 28:54
    Kathleen 28:50 sc
    Brean H 200 + 8 burpee
    Klutch 400m
    Rachel 400m
    Roni DNF

  2. Chip 30 cap
    Nick Z 26:47
    Jonathan 30 cap
    Alex (visitor NY) 28:14 Rx
    Dianne 27:40 scaled
    GiGi 30 cap
    Kara 30 cap
    Chris T. 30
    Ronnie 30 cap

    dirty 9:30 at it again...

  3. 7am:

    Nick cap
    Mark C 29:16 SU
    Oleg 29:57rx
    King 28:16rx
    Peter 26:50rx

    Awesome job today guys! Oleg way to get sh*t done!

  4. oops...I did SUs (I wish I could do this many DUs and finish the same day!). Thanks! I had to get 20 burpees done in last 35 seconds or so - that was intense :-)

  5. 5:30 Mobility

    John McH

    Tonight we covered the importance of static stretching and how to increase ROM without using bands and rollers. Also we briefly covered some buddy-stretches.
    Lookin Mobile kids!

  6. Rob PH 30 cap
    Justin R 30 cap
    Joy N 30 cap
    Mike Fab 30 min cap

  7. 5:30pm
    Shawna - 30 min cap /finished 800m & 100 su
    DeeDee - 30 min cap/ finished 800m & 35burpees
    Derreck - 30 min cap/ finished 800m & 17 burpees
    Luke - 30 min cap/ finished 800m
    Jill - 26:55 scale SUx2

  8. Regi: Last run (DUA)
    Liza: Last run (scale)
    Taylor: last run (DUA)
    Anthony: Last run (scale)
    Beav: 29:40 (singles)
    Agam: Last run (scale)
    Brian: Last run (DUA)
    Anne B: Last row (scale)
    Kyle: Last row (scale)
    Joe C (Justin): Last run
