


AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
Couplet #1 –10 Thrusters (55/75#) and 10 Toes-to-Bar

 AMRAP in 7 Minutes:
Couplet #2 – 200m Row and 10 Burpees

Athletes can start on any couplet. Score the total number of reps completed in each couplet, the row counts for one rep 

Community Notes:
Meet and Park at the Annex for all classes this weekend. We are hosting a Level 1 seminar all weekend.  CrossFit Cubs class at 10AM today is cancelled.  Sorry for any inconvenience, we will resume normal schedules on Monday.

Sunday, December 1st we will be hosting our monthly open gym, FREE for all members 11-1PM in the Annex.  Come to work on a skill, strength or missed wod.

Life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it.
–John Maxwell


  1. 9 AM

    Roni 130 RX
    Sara (DC) 120
    Matt B 113 RX
    Erika 84
    Greg 90 RX
    Balmer ??
    Jen K 73 Sc
    Jen F 88 DB/SC

    Welcome Sara from DC, who also happens to be Roni's neice!!

    10 AM

    Joe G 98 Sc
    Georgena (VA)117 RX
    Patrick 115 RX
    Jess C 142RX
    Denise 129 RX
    Agam 113 SC
    King 144 Rx
    Megs 158 Rx
    Dinger 113
    JZ 109 RX
    Tom C120 RX
    Shawna 105
    Lauren 118 Sc

    One of the coolest things about coaching this tinme of year is that I get to meet awesome people from other states. Weolcome to Goergena and Patrick visiting from Virginia! Patrick hung out for strength, to avoid any confusion

  2. Megs I think you left your ring in the Annex

  3. Tim I did. Can you please put it somewhere safe. Thank you!!!!
