

All For time:
Row 1000 meters
4 Rounds of
200 meter Farmer carry, 35/45 pound dumbbells
35/45 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 feet, Right arm
35/45 pound dumbbell Waiter walk, 100 feet, Left arm
Row 1000 meters

Community Notes:
Yoga tonight at 7:30PM in the Annex with Tori. 

The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office. Dwight D. Eisenhower


  1. 9:30pm
    Jonathan 24:14 scale
    Nicole 23:13 20#
    Diane 27:37 25/35#
    Sue 28:30 20#
    Jackie 24:53 20#

    Remember that POSTURE is your friend today - posture and form will save you in the farmer's carry and waiter's walk. Get a lacrosse ball into your pecs and stretch out your forearms!

  2. 6am
    Rachel 29:32 Rx+ 40FW
    Alison 25:40 Rx
    Steve Z 27:35 20WW
    Al V 25ish Rx
    Roni 26:35 Rx
    Kathleen 24:56 25/26
    Ellie 28:07 Rx+ 40FW
    Kim 23:03 Rx
    KT 23:50Rx
    Gina 23:39 Rx
    Mike S 30:02 35/30

    Nick 25:49 first RX!
    Cris 26:52 Rx
    Barb 28:49 25WW

  3. 4:30
    Justin R 20:37 Rx
    en S 29:29 Rx
    Kyle W 19:32 Rx
    Regi 30:26 yes
    Kate F 29:40 15#
    Anne Br 24:24 20#
    Brandon 19:49 Rx

    John M 26:40 Rx
    Ditty 28:25 25#
    Klutch 24:29 Rx
    Shawna 26:25 20#
    Derreck 24:05 Rx
    Jill C 25:56 20#
    Deedee 23:45 25#
    Jason 25:55 Rx
    Tom 26:50 Rx

    Stasie 28:49 25#
    Dave 26:58 Rx
    Borden 24:23 35#
    Seshu 25:03 35#
    Luke 24:51 35/45
    Conn 22:01 35#
    Johnny 25:41 Rx
    Pablo 27:24 30#

    Congrats to Jill for running the Philly Marathon on Sunday and PR'ing by 10 minutes from last year's race! Also congrats to John M who Rx'd his first workout tonight (since starting CF 8 months ago) He's got a great Rx dance for you to see.

  4. 7:30PM
    Gavin 27:30 35#

    Great Job Gavin!
