
What is Festivus Anyway?


Festivus is our annual holiday party for CrossFit KoP! 
One of our favorite events of the year - if you are a member of CrossFit KoP don't miss out!!

Time/Date: 4:00/5:00PM on Thursday, December 5th.

Dress: Seasonal Sweater or "outfit"

Food: We will provide catered food and drinks, but feel free to bring a contribution of your own as well.

Feats of Strength: First, you will be assigned to a team that are all wearing their seasonal sweaters. Second, be prepared for new feats of strength and events.

Gift Exchange: If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, remember to bring something about $5.00 or of "priceless" value.

Notes: Wearing of the Holiday Sweater and participation in the team event is not required to join the Holiday Party! But, why wouldn't you? The "outfits' get better each year, we are looking forward to seeing what this year brings!  Remember our "year end awards" too (similar to your high school year book) start thinking of them now... some will stay the same and some will change.

1 comment:

  1. Reasons to attend Festivus:
    1)people watching is amazing - the outfits. OMG. plus its enough just to show up in something red or green, no pressure.
    2)people try to outdo one another with the stupid gifts
    3)the gift you think is ridiculous becomes the hottest item.
    5)the best way to see everyone that attends KOP. those names on the blog - now you met them!
    6)FEATS OF STRENGTH! there are SO MANY PR's at festivus.
    7)photos with the pole/airing of grievances.
    8)plenty of alcohol
    9)what will tim pappas and chris plentus wear??????
    10)awards - not only what the catgories be, but who will win them????
