

Split Jerk 

Cash out:
AMRAP in 8 minutes:
20 Double Unders
8 Split Jerks at 70% of your 1RM (alternating L/R legs)
2 Bar Muscle ups*

Use a high box to work on your bar MU or use a racked bar tied with bands (for stabilization and elimination of the height if needed).

Community Reminder:
Wolverine or the "Cub" will be run at all classes tomorrow (Halloween) - be festive and wear a costume. Laura is running the 6/7AM and can stay until 8:15 AM. I will be running the 9:30AM and Noon and stay through 1:45PM.  Vinny will be running the evening classes and be there from 4:30-7:30PM. Don't miss it!

"Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of experience comes from bad judgement."


  1. Hey 6 am, You guys were awesome!! A lot of accomplishments - especially with the bar muscle ups! Thank you for being so welcoming :)

    Becca: 100# ---
    Kim: 100# 3+40 sc
    Pete: 175# 3+20 RX
    Tidmore: 165# 4+25sc
    Rizzo: 205# 4RX
    Alona:110# 2+22sc
    Mike: 165# 3+7sc
    JillK:95# 3+10sc
    Jen: 95#3sc

  2. Chip #245 3+21SC
    Nick Z. #155 7+20SC
    Jonathan #155 4+20SC
    Fugo #85BS, 4+SC
    Nicole #85 3+40SC
    Ronnie #75 3+40SC

  3. 4:30
    Kathleen 93/2+29 pu/dip
    Kate F 73/2 pu/dip
    Anne Br 50/2+29 pu/dip
    P 245

    Tim H 185/2+ pu/dip
    Joe P 155
    LP 135/3 pu/dip
    Jen Jen 145/2+22 pu/dip
    Shawna 83/2+64 pu/dip
    Jess S 87/2+7 pu/dip
    Luke 215 PR/2+23 pu/dip
    Oleg 185/2+ pu/dip

    Kate C 165 PR/3+6 att
    Conn 230/2+10 sc wt
    Ditty 118/2+ pu/dip
    Bre 145 PR/2+ pu/dip
    Erika 105/2+23 pu/dip
    165/2+20 Rx
    Johnny 225/3:25 c2b

    nice work everyone. Congrats to Luke on thinking he was going to get 165 and instead got 215! Cash out was typically scaled to some version of a pull up and dip x3 for every mu unless noted. Some people did single unders as well x3

  4. 7:30pm
    Faby 280
    Steph C 85/3scale
    Gavin 115 2+62 SU
    Al V 230/:)

    Great job to Steph C on her first ever split jerk! And kudos to Gavin - did bar muscle ups for the first time tonight!
