

(we have new ladies and men's shirts at the CrossFit KoP store)

5 Rope Climbs (to 15 ft)
15 Thrusters 75/115#
4 Rope Climbs
12 Thrusters 75/115#
3 Rope Climbs
9 Thrusters 75/115#
2 Rope Climbs
6 Thrusters 75/115# 
1 Rope Climb
3 Thrusters 75/115#

Community Notes:
"Wolverine" our house WOD will be run on Halloween (Thursday 10/31) in all classes.  We welcome members to dress up on this day.  Wolverine is a LONG workout to do as prescribed. If you plan on doing it as Rx'd and not the "Cub", we will give you ample time to finish.  In the evening athletes have from 4:30-7:30PM to get the WOD accomplished.  At the start of each class the coach will provide a group warm up and instruction but you are welcome to come between classes and warm up and start on your own. Post questions to comments.

Babysitting will begin in the 9:30AM classes on Tuesday/Thursday and Friday, starting on 11/5. Click here for details.  

“Obsessed is just a word the lazy use to describe dedicated.”
-Unknown Author




  1. 6am
    mike s 19:08 rc/rp, 65
    erika 16:07 65
    ellie 11;21 rc/rp, 65
    rachel 18:05 att/rp, 65
    brian h 12:10 rp, 85
    roni 17;25 rc/rp
    klutch 16:01 rx
    nora 14:10 sc
    gina 14:57 rp
    KT 14:36 FS95#
    Kathleen 15:17 rr, 53

    Oleg 18:33 rc/rp, 40#DB
    Alex 19:00 75#
    Nick C 18:27 95#

  2. Balmer 12:38 Rx
    Sue L 12:32 53# Pullups
    Ryan S 15:39 85#
    Chip 17:47 95#
    Ronnie 14:09 53# band/pullups
    Diane 12:17 Pullups/75#
    Gigi 16:00 20#/cargo/pulls
    Fran 17:33 25#/rop pulls
    Nicole 14:23 53# cargo/pulls *first time up the rope!
    Chris T 16:12 53# rope pulls
    Kara 15:05 53# rope pulls
    Jonathan 9:55 63#/cargopulls

    good work 9:30...we used 3x rope pulls for a scale or 3x pullups for strength building. Caution to those of you "still" using rope pulls when you should be practicing getting up that rope!

  3. 3:30
    Regi 19:02 55# pulls, net, 1/2 climbs
    Olan 22:11 75#
    Rob PH 19:28 ropepulls
    Joe G 21:14 75# pulls, net, 1/2 climbs
    Cris A 16:40 Rx

    congrats to Joe G, Regi and Rob Ph for making a few strides to get up the rope...next time bring socks!


  4. 4:30

    Brian R 20:20 95#/Cargo Net
    Liza 15:16 55#/Ring Rows
    Westwood 20:26 ROM
    Justin 17:33 76#/Rope Pulls
    Taylor 18:54 35/Rope Pull Attempts
    Brandon 17:52 ROM

  5. For Thursday morning classes doing Wolverine, if you want to do the full thing I'll be there for 6am and 7am, and you'll have to be done by 8:15am. If you're going to attempt the Lyons loop, I suggest you bring a head lamp, its DARK back there especially in the morning.

  6. 5:30

    Megs 21:19 65
    Derreck 21:19 Rx
    Dee 16:13 53 RC/RP
    Andre 19:30 53 RC/RP
    George 19:20 RP/RC
    Shawna 22:33 53 RP
    Heather 12:05 63 RC/RP
    Jill C 18:27 55 RP


    Pablo 22:24 75 RP
    Matt B 17:14 RP
    Brett 17:21 RP/RC
    Kate C 22:10 Rx
    Stephanie 18:52 35
    Lauren M 14:28 45 RP
    Kerri 15:25 35 RP
    Conn 20:05 75
    Johnny 20:30 Rx
