


AMRAP in 20 minutes:
1 Snatch (75/115#)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
2 Snatches (75/115#)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
3 Snatches (75/115#)
3 Toes to Bar
6 Push-ups
9 Air Squats
....and on and on for 20 Minutes.

After each round of 3-6-9 you increase your Snatch by 1 rep.  Record total Rounds and Reps completed. 

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” 
-Ayn Rand


  1. 6am
    Steve Z. 10+14 Sc
    Gina 8+10 65#, p/u rom
    Cris A. 10+8 Rx
    Roni 10+7 65#
    Terry 8+6 65#
    Brian 9+19 75#, T2B scale
    Erika 11 65#
    KT 12+8 Rx
    Pat P. 8+2 95#, T2B rom
    Klutch 11+4 Rx

  2. 7am:
    Oleg 10+1 rx
    King 9+5 rx
    Mark C 11 cleans @ 125
    Peter 11+6 rx
    Chip 10+2 rx

  3. David 7 +2 53#
    Chris T 8 + 3 40#
    Diane 7 @ 75@ ouchie
    Kara 8 +10 35#
    Nick 15 +12 80# KB
    Sue 7 + 8 35#
    Barb Z 8 + 7 35#
    Scott M 8 Rx
    GiGi 8 22#
    Ronnie 8 + 7 25#
    Jill 8 33#

  4. Note: All athletes at 6am did power snatches.

  5. guess who's back???? OLAN! Welcome back!

    Rob PH 9 + 2 135#
    Ed M 9 + 2 75#
    Olan 6 +9 95#
    Dianne 8 35#
    Mike T 12 + 16 power 115#
    Justin R 8 + 3 power
    Taryn 7 + 3 63#Clean

  6. yeahh Olan!! great to have you back. - shoeless

  7. 530

    Megs 10+2 Rx
    Patrick 11+2 Rx ps
    Roman 10+7 95
    Liz 9+5 35#
    Jill 10+1 55#
    Agam 10+3 65/scale
    Rachel 9+14 55/scale
    Shawna 8+5 45 scale
    Mary Kate 10 35/scale
    Miranda 9+3 Rx

  8. Happy Birthday King!! 7 Am Owes You Birthday Burpees!!!

  9. 6:30

    Pablo 9 75 sc PS
    Borden 9+14 Rx PS
    Conn 8+2 Rx PS
    Matt B 9+5 Rx PS
    Brett 10+3 Rx PS
    Derreck 10+2 Rx PS
    Tom 10+1 PS
    Kate C 10+7 Rx SS
    Seshu 9+7 75 PS
    Kerri 8+5 15 sc HPS
    Mike C 8+6 95 PS
    Stephanie 8+4 35 SS
    Dave 9+2 95 SS
