

5 Rounds for time of:
Sprint 200 Meters
1 Wall Ascent 6ft/8ft
4 Ground to Shoulder Stone
8 Deficit Handstand Push ups

Coaches Notes:
Select a stone weight to challenge you. If you are not able to achieve a deficit HSPU scale back to regular HSPU.

Community Reminder:
We are hosting "Lift up Luke" tomorrow at the 9/10AM classes.  The fundraiser will support Autism awareness!

"An athlete is a normal person with the gift of an undying passion to be the best and achieve greatness." 
-Amanda Ring


  1. 6am
    PaulyD 18:40 ROM/110
    MikeS 21:26 90/SB
    Gina 18:35 BRR/SB/70
    Terry 20:54 90/SB
    Roni 19:37 70/ROM
    Erika 19:32 70/SB
    Klutch 19:06 110/25#plate deficit
    Ellie 18:20 70/12SB
    Kim G 22:24 BPU/35/SB
    Dianne BPU/35/SB

    Oleg 14:45 110/SB
    Rachel 19:47 Att/70/sb
    Mark C 18:48 110/hspu
    King 18:28 110/ROM
    Peter 19:04 110/hspu
    Agam 18:11 att/70/rom
    nick c 24:51 11/hspu
    lauren 21:50 box/70/hsku

    Wall Scales
    5 burpees & ringrow/strict pullups
    Att= Attempts
    box=box to get over

    Deficit HSPU Scales
    HSPU= full range of motion hspu
    ROM= less than full rom hspu
    HSKU=handstand kick up

  2. Bre 18:31 6ft/70/2am
    Derreck 17:00 8ft/140/sb
    Dave 16:42 8ft/110/HSH
    Jess S. 21:24 6ft/35/sb
    Jess C 19:12 8ft/70/2am
    Shawna 18:30 sc/35/sb
    Steph C. 14:57 6ft/35/sb

    Great job today everyone. Shout out to Jess C. who climbed the mens rx 8 foot wall, also to Jess S. who was not close to climbing the wall in warm ups and then crushed it during the workout. We don't climb the walls often, they are harder than you think.
