

Squat Clean

Cash out:
3 Squat Cleans on the minute for 7 minutes at 75% of your 1RM

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will be held at the Annex, 110C DeKalb Street. Please meet and park there. 

“How you respond to the challenge in the second half will determine what you become after the game, whether you are a winner or a loser.”
– Lou Holtz


  1. 6am
    Ryan B 315
    Rebecca 105
    Alona 105
    Racheal 85 blocks
    JK 93 Blocks
    Jill 80
    Justin R 215
    Gina 110pr
    Roni 95

    Micha 115
    Lauren m 105
    Peter 185
    Oleg 175
    Chip 225

  2. Our 5:30pm Endurance track workout is cancelled tonight because of the weather. I had also planned a 2nd trail run in Valley Forge park as a backup to the swamped track, but the govn't shutdown has us taking a chance on that one as many of my friends have been kicked out of the trails surrounding the park.

    Also, as a alternative for a good workout, anyone that wants to "jump in" a last minute trail 5k race, I am doing just that at 9am Sat morning at Flat Rock Park on River Road in Gladwyn. Link Below:

    Stormwater Runoff:


  3. 930 results:

    Kara 93
    Sue 90
    Aimee 138
    Emily 133
    Diane 115
    JNA 100
    Jen S 145
    Nicole 85
    Susan 110
    Jill 83
    David 135
    Tim H 205
    Keith 275
    Cate 173

  4. Nooner:
    Tori - skill
    Tim Mc - 165 form
    Kate F - 25 - first time Cleaning!
    Gigi - 37 - PR!!

  5. 4:30

    Mike T 245
    Joe C 205Pr
    Brandon 155Pr

    P 235
    Faby 265 Pr
    Kate C 160 Pr
    Agam 135
    Matt B 175
    Seshu 145 Pr
    Flounder 155
    Jess C 148Pr
    Tracy 99
    Kelly 115
    Dave 185
    Joe G Form
    Bre 130 Pr
    Taryn 115
    Anne 85
    Stacy 85

  6. Faby spent a good 10 seconds in a quarter squat coming up with that 265, practically an isometric hold! And Jess C spent an hour in the bottom of her squat, but eventually got up with 148...shouldn't happen like that, but it did and it was awesome

  7. It was actually 143 because I can't math. But still a PR!
