

AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats

Coaches Notes:
Advanced athletes should do Chest to Bar Pull-ups!

“A man who wants to lead the orchestra must turn his back on the crowd.”
-James Cook


  1. Gina S. 12 scale
    Mike S. 11 push up scale
    Justin R. 10 push up scale
    Roni 13 Rx
    Klutch 16 Rx
    Cris A. 18 Rx
    Brian H. 11 band/rom
    Pat P. 10 band/rom
    KT 16 Rx+ C2B
    Erika 12 Rx
    Dinger 10 band

    Solid work this morning on this old school lady WOD!

  2. dirty 9:30

    Chip 15 Rx
    Ronnie 10 RR Scale
    Chris T 8 scale
    David C 10 scale
    Cate 15 C2B
    Susan 12 ROMPushup
    Diane 11 scale
    Nicole 13 scale RR
    Lauren 11 scale RR
    Mom 10 scale RR
    Fran 12 Scale RR
    Jen F 11 Scale RR
    Jonathan 16 scale
    Sue L 11 RR scale
    JNA 7 scale
    Kara 9 scale

    Welcome to Ronnie for her first class and welcome back to JNA who took a little break :)

  3. 7am
    Peter 16rx
    Tracy 14 green
    Alex 16 ROM
    Nick 17rx
    Oleg 16rx
    Lee M 10 blk band

    Big Welcome to Lee this am! First class and an early bird! Good work today everyone!

  4. Grrrrrrrrr - still in recovery mode.

    Next time, Cindy.

  5. 3:30
    Mark b 12 scaled
    Barb z 10 scaled
    Joy n 10 scaled
    Ed 12 rx
    Travis 12 rx

  6. 4:30
    Geoff 19 Rx+ c2b
    Stacy H. 6 (10 mins) black/knee
    Ryan B. 14 Rx
    Agam 10 purple
    Regi 12 Green
    Wegman 14 Rx
    WW 10 PU rom
    Anne 8 scale

    Jill 13 green/knee
    Shawna 9 green/knee
    Gavin 15 Rx
    Megs 19 Rx
    Derreck 12 Rx
    Tobin 19 Rx+ c2b
    LP 16 Rx+ c2b
    Patrick 15 Rx

  7. 6:30

    Vinny 19 Rx+ C2B
    Borden 12 knees
    Conn 9 Rx
    Lauren/Miranda 16
    Brett 12 knees
    Matt B 10 Rx
    Johnny 17 Rx
    Matt Mc 20 C2B
    Stasie 10 band/knees
    Joe G Jr 10 Rx
    Sam 22 Rx+C2B
    Seshu 13 band/knees
    Luke 8 ROM
    Kate C 17 Rx+C2B
    Stephanie C 15 band/rom
