

Handstand Push-up
Barbell Complex (95/135#)
Hang power clean
Lunge right
Lunge left

Coaches Notes:
One Barbell Complex consists of a deadlift into a hang power clean into a thruster into a right legged lunge into a left legged lunge.  The barbell cannot be dropped during this succession but may be dropped in between complexes.  In the first round the athlete will do 5 HSPU and then 5 barbell complexes followed by 4 and 4 etc. 

Community Notes:
Don't forget about our Steve's Club "Beat the Streets" Fundraiser this Saturday at the 21st at the 9/10AM classes; Yoga with Tori is at 11:30 AM! Get ready for a fun filled morning at CFKoP!

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.”
-Dhirubhai Ambani


  1. Thanks for coming out to 6am everyone!

    BR = back rack for lunges
    FR = front rack for lunges

    Dinger 9:57, 95#, SB, BR
    Alona 9:24, 75#, SB, FR
    Keith 6:51 Rx, FR
    King 10:56 Rx, FR
    Kathleen 8:56, 55#, SB, FR
    Mike S 12:25, 85#, SB, BR
    JK 9:36, 55#, SB, BR
    Erika 10:28, 55#, SB, BR
    Mike C 12:42, 95#, SB, FR
    Megs 9:27 95#, FR
    Roni 9:42, 85#, SB, FR

    Peter 10:31 Rx, FR
    Nick 11;50, 115#, FR
    LP 10:32 Rx, FR

  2. 9:30

    Fran 8:33 back squat
    Diane 9:17 back squat
    Nick 5:15 10PU/FS
    Allison 11:32 95#/2 abmats
    David 8:07 95#
    Aimee 8:20 rx fr
    Susan 10:35 65
    Beth 11:12 15#
    Sue 11:01 55#
    Gigi 10:20 22#
    Cate 5:48 rx front racked

  3. I managed to get out at lunch today for a ride, and it's such a beautiful day for a track workout!
    Come out and enjoy it with me at 5:30pm, Upper Merion High School Track

    (optional 1 Mile Time Trial)
    (optional 800m Time Trail)
    (optional 400m Time Trial)

    Sprint Interval ladder

  4. Noon:
    Tim Mc 9:34 RX FR/BR
    Sam B 8:10 115#/Parallets HSPU FR
    Taryn 10:12 35#/SB

  5. 4:30 / 5:30

    Brian R 8:04 95
    Patrick 9:49 Rx
    Roman 10:27 115
    Kate C 6:51 Rx
    Alex 8:11 95
    Ed 7:35 75
    Brett 7:45 SB
    Gavin 9:17 75
    Joe C 10:25 115
    DD 7:28 75/SB

    All front racked

    Ryan B 9:37 Rx
    Lizzie 9:12 45/SB
    Agam 8:13 75
    Jess 8:43 50/SB
    KT 9:16 Rx
    Miranda 9:23 85 BR
    Tom 10:10 95
    Sharon 11:09 DNF
