

6 Rounds for time:
10 Thrusters (65/95#)
10 Hang Power Snatch (65/95#)

It's not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.


  1. 6am
    Vin 15:50 Rx
    Rye 11:11 Rx
    Kate C. 12:13 Rx
    Laura 14:25 Rx
    Andrea B. 13:34 Rx
    Klutch 10:28 75#
    Nora 15:35 35#
    Kathleen 17:38 45#
    Ellie 14:17 45#
    Justin R. 14:56 75#
    Brian H. 17:45 45#
    Mike S. 19:18 53#
    Brian E. 19:30 75#

    Big Welcome to Brain E. and Brian H.!! Great job pushing through this wod, doing two movements that neither on had ever done.

    Shout out to our "new" coach Jason. He ran a solid warm up for the 6am'ers, I think he may be a keeper.

  2. Vin said...


    Erika 15:10 5rds/65
    Mark 18:45 Rx
    Pete 13:52 Rx
    Dana 17:09 35#

  3. Beth 12:01 #35
    Diane 12:15 RX
    Dianne 18:03 #35
    Aimee 11:07 RX
    David C. 14:445 #55
    Chip DNF
    Alison K. 11:11 RX
    Barb 12:34 #45
    Susan 11:46 #45
    Sue L. 16:24 #35
    Steph C. 15:29 #35
    Beaver 15:45 #75
    Joy 9:29 #65
    Shannon 13:43 #45
    Kara 11:27 #33
    Eileen Form

    Good stuff today. Lots of people upset about their snatch form. The Snatch is the most difficult lift in the WORLD. It takes years and thousands of hours to be truly efficient at it. Of course your form is going to revert to your old habits during an intense crossfit workout. You all did great, and should be proud of yourselves. We offer 6 Bridgeport Barbell Classes a week that you can come to and work on technique and form.

  4. 3:30pm
    JZ 14:32 65#
    Joe G 16:40 75# 5 RDS
    Fab 14:46 85#
    Gavin 18:38 65#
    Mike T 10:58 rx

    Great job to our HPS & Thruster First Timers - Gavin & Joe G!

  5. Anne B: 10:47 (15# box)
    Regi: 11:15 (35#)
    Joe C: 17:44 (75#)
    Roman: 14:44 (75#)
    WW: 16:50 (65#)
    Ph: 17:12 (Rx)
    Brian: 17:02 (85#)
    Stacy H: 12:46 (35#)
    Tom: 16:30 (65#)

  6. 5:30pm

    Heather 12:45 55
    Bob 17:46 5rds 65
    Sandeep 16:40 4rds 65
    Luke 16:33 65
    Shawn 16:29 Rx
    Derrick 17:09 Rx
    Oleg 20:08 Rx
    Kyle 14:45 15#DB
    Agam 14:08 65
    Jill 13:04 35
    Shawna 18:45 5 rds 35
    Denise 14:27 55

  7. 6:30

    Johnny 16:39 Rx
    Mike C 22:57 68
    George 16:05 55
    Bre 14:42 55
    Conn 16:47 65
    Brett 13:55 85
    Matt G 21:55 75
    Kelly G 18:32 40
    Brendan 13:30 45 form
    Rob D 14:20 45 form
    Dave N 13:38 75
    Colin 17:29 45 form
    Liz 14:04 35

    Nice on this long grinding couplet! Welcome to Brendan Colin and Rob! All three went through their first class tonight!
