


For time:
50 Pull-ups
400 meter run
95/65 pound Thruster, 21 reps
800 meter run
95/65 pound Thruster, 21 reps
400 meter run
50 Pull-ups

Community Notes:
All weekend classes will occur at the Annex - 110C DeKalb St. We are hosting a Level 1 Training Seminar this weekend.  The CrossFit Kids "cubs" class at 10AM on Saturday will be cancelled.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on."
-Robert Frost


  1. I almost feel bad for anyone doing this WOD during the late afternoon/early evening.

    . . . almost.

  2. Fran 24:00 #25/Band
    Justin H. 23:58 RX
    Beaver 21:25 #65 -25pu
    Beth O. 23:51 #25/Band
    Steph C. 25:33 #35/Band
    Kara 26:28 #45/Band
    Susan 26:00 Band #55
    Sue L. 32:00 #45/RR
    Josh 28:05 #55
    Rinat 29:15 #75
    Jill 37:09 #55
    Dave 35:10 #75/Band
    Smizzy 35:54 #53/Band
    Jesse 27:27 #45/Band
    Shannon 21:52 #55/RR
    Jaime 24:44 #55/RR
    Brett 28:20 Band
    Seshu 23:30 #55/Band
    Bridget 28:31 #45/Band
    Gavin 28:04 #65
    Tom 27:00 #75/Band
    Linda 32:30 #50/Band

  3. 6am
    Keith 22:49
    Megs 21:51
    Cris 18:59
    Oleg 25:30
    Mike P. 15:25
    Pete 19:33
    KT 21:59

    Roni 25:04
    Justin R. 23:49
    Kyle W. 21:36
    Ellie 22:11
    Gina 18:50
    Paul 24:44
    Alona 20:43
    Brian D. 23:31
    Tara 15:45

  4. 4:30
    Roman 23:56 Rx
    Travis 19:49 1/2 pu/75#
    Rob Ph 22:11 band
    WW 23:59 jpu x15/15 thrusters

    Once these guys found enough space, it was off to the races. For some reason they didn't want to test their 400m or 800m runs afterwards...

  5. How much do the "lady" bars weigh with the yellow tape?

  6. 5:30

    Sam 16:25 Rx
    Heather 23:37 band
    Sandeep 26:36 33 RR -800m
    Patrick 24:23 Rx
    Luke 24:46 75 1/2 PU
    Kate C 18:53 Rx


    Vinny 18:58 35DB
    George 23:00 50 band
    Al 31:53 band
    Mike C 31:44 band 65
    Johnny 25:22 Rx
