

21-15-9 reps of:
Clean 95/135 pounds
Ring dips

Coaches Notes:
The athlete can choose to do full squat cleans or power cleans today! If you want a spot on the leader board FULL squat cleans must be executed!

"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing."
-George Bernard Shaw


  1. 6am
    Mike P. 7:25 Rx
    Lam 18:08 95#
    Mike S. 16:15 95#/band
    Ryan B. 9:29 Rx
    King 13:40 Rx
    Gina S. 7:48 form
    Megs 12:45 95#/mf
    Klutch 11:47 Rx
    Wax 9:48 Rx
    Kathleen 10:57 scale
    Paul D. 10:46 95/band

  2. 7 am:
    Lauren 10:56 85# band
    Pete 11:43 rx
    Mark C. 11:40 95# 15-9-6 band
    Oleg 11:57 rx
    Derrick 11:40 scale

  3. Mirand, you were right, my weight used was 135# today. senior moment.

  4. 6:30

    Dee 11:06 95 PC band
    Brett 13:30 135 PC band
    Derreck 12:11 PC Rx
    Johnny 12:26 Rx squat
    Bridget 8:42 65 PC band
    Erika 9:26 PC band
    Heather 7:30 95 PC band
    Plentus 8:09 Rx squat
    Dave 15:26 115 band
    Stephanie C 7:20 55 band pc/squat
    Vinny 7:19 Rx
    Maria 9:11 45 PC band

  5. Chip 6:55 RX
    Fayth 6:52 #55
    Kara 6:59 #65
    Christ 6:59 #65
    Susan 7:49 #85
    Kayla 7:34 #55
    David 7:27 #45
    Beth 7:22 #35
    Steph I. 7:29
    Justin H. 9:41 RX
    Bre 8:32 #95
    Sue L. 7:22 #55

  6. 4:30 pm
    Keith 8:16 Rx
    Bill 10:35 95#
    Jess S. 9:44 65#/band
    WW 12:01 95#/band
    Brian R. 8:32 blue
    Taryn 9:45 75#/rom
    Wegman 12:52 Rx

    Kate C. 10:03 Rx
    Matt 15:00 DNF
    Kelly 9:12
    Ryan S. 15:48 115#
    Manisha 9:11 35#/band
    Luke 11:11 115#
    Nick C. 7:15 Rx PC
    Melinda 12:44 45#/band
    Jill 7:02 45#/scale
    Patrick 8:34 Rx PC
    Mike T. 7:52 Rx
    Miranda 13:10 85#/band
    Make C. 11:42 95 PC/rom
    Shawna 8:35 35#/rom

  7. 3:30pm
    PH 7:19 pwr/bnd
    Sharon 11:34 pwr,bnd
    Justin R 8:04 pwr/bnd
    Joe G 9:21 BS/RR
