

 Working to perfect the SNATCH!!!


Cash out:
Max Rep Snatches at 60% of your 1RM for 4 Minutes.

Community Notes:
On July 4th we will run one special team WOD at 10:00AM.  This counts as a regular class for members but Friends and Family are welcome as free drop ins! All other classes that day will be cancelled.

"Without pain, there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. To make it right, pain and suffering is the key to all windows, without it, there is no way of life." 
-Angelina Jolie

Peterson 135#, 25
KT 100#, 21
Mike S. 73# form, 20
Kathleen 60#, 20
Wax 145#, 20
Klutch 145#, 21
Chip 175/24
Nick 105/18
Pete 125/27
King 115/27
Dayna 35/18
Kara 60/17
Beth O 22.5/18
Barb 40/17
Diane 103/18
Steph 35/18
Sue 35/13
Susan 55/13
Bob 25/18
Alona 70/19
Justin H. 170 PR, 25
Justin R. 125, 21
Smizzy Scaled, 112
Brian R. 135, 25
Chris F. Form, 30
Joe G. Form, 32
Sara 50 PR, 22
Sandeep form/15
Keith 215PR/26
Jill 33/29
Shawna 25/40
Ryan S. 135/28
Hector 135PR/21
Faby 200PR/14
Oleg 155PR/20
Shawn T. 145 PR/21
Patrick 165/29
Ryan 245/18
Joe C 135/14
Roman 125/15
Fran form/35
Taryn 73/36
Arieanne form/14
Sharon 75/:)
Johnny 135/16
Gene 205
Vinny 205
Albert 155/22
Matt B 135/19
Jim 185PR!/20
Dave 140/18
Kevin form
Melissa 55/24
Kate C 120PR
Laura 100/28
Matt G 175PR/20
Tom 140/22
Joe Colo 115/16
Bridget 60/34
Shannon 65/42
Maria 45/15
Tracy 50/16
Kelly 70/17
Conn 135/15
Breanna 90PR!/20


  1. 6am
    Peterson 135#, 25
    KT 100#, 21
    Mike S. 73# form, 20
    Kathleen 60#, 20
    Wax 145#, 20
    Klutch 145#, 21

  2. 7am
    Chip 175/24
    Nick 105/18
    Pete 125/27
    King 115/27
    Dayna 35/18

  3. Justin H. 170 PR, 25
    Justin R. 125, 21
    Smizzy Scaled, 112
    Brian R. 135, 25
    Chris F. Form, 30
    Joe G. Form, 32
    Sara 50 PR, 22

  4. 5:30 pm
    Sandeep form/15
    Keith 215PR/26
    Jill 33/29
    Shawna 25/40
    Ryan S. 135/28
    Hector 135PR/21
    Faby 200PR/14
    Oleg 155PR/20
    Shawn T. 145 PR/21
    Patrick 165/29

  5. 4:30

    Ryan 245/18
    Joe C 135/14
    Roman 125/15
    Fran form/35
    Taryn 73/36
    Arieanne form/14
    Sharon 75/:)


    Johnny 135/16
    Gene 205
    Vinny 205
    Albert 155/22
    Matt B 135/19
    Jim 185PR!/20
    Dave 140/18
    Kevin form
    Melissa 55/24
    Kate C 120PR
    Laura 100/28
    Matt G 175PR/20
    Tom 140/22
    Joe Colo 115/16
    Bridget 60/34
    Shannon 65/42
    Maria 45/15
    Tracy 50/16
    Kelly 70/17
    Conn 135/15
    Breanna 90PR!/20
