

"Welcome to Riley"

Helen Meets Grace – a partner effort.

Each team gets one pull up bar, 1 kettle bell and one barbell.

Team completes Helen, then completes Grace afterwards.

They can tag in and out but both athletes must complete the 400 meter runs in Helen.
Score is total time it takes the team to complete both workouts.

Helen - 3 Rounds for time of 400M Run, 21 Kettlebell Swings, 12 Pull-ups (35#/55#)
Grace- 30 Clean and Jerks for time (95#/135#)

"Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about." 
— Sir Winston Churchill

Megs/Alison.....14:38 Rx
Justin R/Peter......12:08 Rx
Lisa C/Nora/Mike S....17:41 scaled
Mel & Jonathan 14:29 Ladies RX
Susan, Christ, Kara 16:47 SC
Riley, Erika, Byrnsie 14:36 SC
Beth 15:32 (200M, 18#, 22#)
Ryan B/Justin H....10:57 Rx
Rob Ph/Joe C....13:36 Rx
Ann/Faith/Katrina....17:05 (45#CJ, jpu, 26#kb)
Schaefer....14:45 Rx solo
Josh/Johnny 11:25 Rx
Seshu/Jess 14:13 (Jess- Rx, Seshu- scale)
Jim/Gene 11:29 Rx
Jeremy/Matt 17:04 scale
Nick/Chandler 15:17 Rx
Kate/Faby 12:14 respective Rx weights
Steph/Arin 17:08 rx
Dave/Kyle 20:33 rx
Klutch/Derreck 13:39 rx
Tidmore/Patrick 12:59 rx
Andrew/Samson 13:49 115#
Brett&Jen 13:10 SC
Team Sistas 16:35 SC
Bridget&Steph 13:11 SC


  1. 6am'er

    Team BiggieSmalls:
    Megs/Alison.....14:38 Rx


    Justin R/Peter......12:08 Rx

    Lisa C/Nora/Mike S....17:41 scaled

  2. Mel & Jonathan 14:29 Ladies RX
    Susan, Christ, Kara 16:47 SC

  3. So, since I am traveling...which CrossFit box would you most like to visit should you pass by their neck of the woods. I would chose either CF Park City or CF Paradisio. One for Speal, the other for the coolest CF shirt ever that I am still trying to get!

  4. 430

    Ryan B/Justin H....10:57 Rx
    Rob Ph/Joe C....13:36 Rx
    Ann/Faith/Katrina....17:05 (45#CJ, jpu, 26#kb)
    Schaefer....14:45 Rx solo

  5. Jason, go visit Speal for the WOD and then drive by the other box at lunch just to buy a t-shirt!

    Josh/Johnny 11:25 Rx
    Seshu/Jess 14:13 (Jess- Rx, Seshu- scale)
    Jim/Gene 11:29 Rx
    Jeremy/Matt 17:04 scale
    Nick/Chandler 15:17 Rx
    Kate/Faby 12:14 respective Rx weights

    Welcome to Josh visiting from CFML and Chandler dropping in from South Carolina! Great job working together on this WOD. And way to support Jeremy at the end working through those last C&J's.

  6. 5:30pm

    Steph/Arin 17:08 rx
    Dave/Kyle 20:33 rx
    Klutch/Derreck 13:39 rx
    Tidmore/Patrick 12:59 rx
    Andrew/Samson 13:49 115#

  7. 7:30

    Brett&Jen 13:10 SC
    Team Sistas 16:35 SC
    Bridget&Steph 13:11 SC
