

“Randy Interrupted" 
(from the Teen Gauntlet)

(1a) 3:00 AMRAP Power snatch 75#/55#

Immediately into 
(1b) 2:00 AMRAP Double-jump burpees over barbell

Immediately back to power snatches until total of 75 reps achieved

Score for 1a is total time (including 2:00 burpee AMRAP) to complete 75 reps of power snatch. Score for 1b is total reps of double-jump burpees.

Double-Jump Burpee
The bottom of the burpee has athletes face down with the chest and thighs touching the ground. There is no requirement for how they stand up. Athletes must then jump over a hurdle or bar twice, both feet leaving the ground simultaneously. Athletes’ feet must pass over the hurdle or bar. The rep will not count if the feet go around the hurdle or bar. Athletes can do these facing the hurdle or from the side.

Community Notes:
The 9AM/10AM classes will be held at the Annex today.

“Victory belongs to the most persevering.”
- Napoleon

 DeeDee 8:35 (rx) 12
Manisha 9:19 (35#) 10
Riley 9:49 (35#) 12
Greg E 9:21 (35#) ?
Oleg 8:53 (rx) 19
Roni 8:38 (rx) 11
Cline 8:32 (33#) 13

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