

Five rounds for time of:
75/115 pound Snatch, 5 reps
75/115 pound Overhead squat, 10 reps
Run 400 meters

(Yes, the snatches are full squat)

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.” 
- Mark Twain

Mike S. 22:56 45#
Cris 23:16 95#Rom
Ellie 24:57 35#
Kim 24:09 45#
Lauren 19:37 53#Rom
Wax 21:23 95#
Pete 19:17 95#
Mark C 19:50 95# Row/Run
Rinat 19:25 #65
King 19:44 #95
Liz O. 22:27 #25
Christ 21:44 #35
Barb 22:21 #35
Kara 22:27 #35
Andrew 19:22 #65
George 17:12 #45
Dee 22:49 #55
Derreck 22:35 #35
Cory 21:56 #35
Kyle W 16:42 #53
Joe G. 23:18 #35
Bill 16:37 #65
Johnny 16:40 #65
Tracy 18:04 #35
Shannon 19:03 #35
Jaime 17:41 #35
Dave 17:31 #53
Pablo 18:36 #55
Keith 17:49 Rx
Regi 20:46 45# (4rds?)
Mike Fab 22:08 85#
Brian R 23:10 95#


  1. Big fan of that quote. the rest is "So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

  2. Snatches and cleans are always full squat unless instructed differently

  3. 6am
    Mike S. 22:56 45#
    Cris 23:16 95#Rom
    Ellie 24:57 35#
    Kim 24:09 45#

    Lauren 19:37 53#Rom
    Wax 21:23 95#
    Pete 19:17 95#
    Mark C 19:50 95# Row/Run

    Sometime last spring or summer I remember doing a WOD that had 95# squat snatches. I dropped to 85, then 75, then 65 before I could squat under it. It was very frustrating, considering I could easily power the weight up.

    Today workout is one that many athletes may need to use less weight than they normally do.

    It may be frustrating but your going to be better served in terms of intensity, improving technique and keeping your shoulders healthy, if you choose an appropriate weight.

    P.S. The reason athletes cannot squat underneath moderate weight is often because their bar path is out away from their body, so that the weight pulls them forward. If they already have forward inclination in their squat (which most of us do) its going to make it even harder to get under a bar already out in front. So the fix is two fold....fixing the bar path & fixing the squat. Easier said as they say...

  4. Steph, I know some my snatchs were ugly this morning but I'd still like my presence at the 6:00 am class acknowledged:)

    My time was 25:?? 45#ROM


  5. 9:30

    Rinat 19:25 #65
    King 19:44 #95
    Liz O. 22:27 #25
    Christ 21:44 #35
    Barb 22:21 #35
    Kara 22:27 #35

    Great Job 9:30. Shout out to Rinat for choosing to use a lighter weight and work on his form.
    Form first, then Intensity.

  6. Steph -

    Just wanted to thank you for your help this morning. I greatly appreciate (and needed) it.

  7. Just throwing it out there for the folks that are interested in mobility/improving functional movement. I'm usually lurking around the box before and after WODs. Anyone is more than welcome to join in on the fun, so long as we don't step on anybody's toes. Just don't be a Schaefer and stink out loud. =)

    1. I'll definitely be joining you Gene! Mobility is going to be a top priority as I'm coming back!

  8. so sorry Kathleen!! 25:02 45#

  9. you're welcome Ellie, I wanted more time to work on you set up position with you, so lets do that next time!!

  10. 5:30

    Andrew 19:22 #65
    George 17:12 #45
    Dee 22:49 #55
    Derreck 22:35 #35
    Cory 21:56 #35
    Kyle W 16:42 #53
    Joe G. 23:18 #35


    Bill 16:37 #65
    Johnny 16:40 #65
    Tracy 18:04 #35
    Shannon 19:03 #35
    Jaime 17:41 #35
    Dave 17:31 #53
    Pablo 18:36 #55

  11. 3:30

    Bre 23:30 45
    justin r 22:26 75
    PH 19:58 95
    Allison 25:08 15
    Sara S 25:10 15
