
2013 King and Queen of Prussia

Mark your royal calendars...the date for the King and Queen of Prussia is August 10th!  For those new to CFKoP this is a CFKoP ONLY competition to crown the King and Queen for the year.  We encourage all athletes to participate...more details WILL follow.


  1. For those that have not been to this event yet, it is, in my opinion, the best event we run all year. This one is for the people and all coaches are banned from competing.

  2. are you saying coaches aren't people?

  3. A lot of people go away in August

  4. This just in, people go away in June and July too. Also, the event was held in August for the past two years with 35 people two years ago and 61 people last year. Also, if you didn't recognize, my wife is pregnant and due in July so please crawl back under your bridge troll. Thanks for posting.

  5. Do people go away in September?

  6. right on Jason! What a jerk that person was for wanting to participate and thinking there may be a better time. That's the way to rip a customer for wanting to be involved!
