

For time complete:
Deadlifts (205/315) 
Dumbbell Push Jerk 35#/50# 

Community Notes:
Are you joining us for the nutrition seminar on 5/11, this seminar is FREE?   Please sign up via MindBody!

This weekend (5/4-5/5) all classes will be held at the Annex.

"You always pass failure on the way to success."
-Ben Franklin

Mike S. 13:54 165/35
Mike P. 12:49 Rx
Steve Z. 12:23 173/20
Dinger 11:45 185/20
KT 10:22 155/35
Pat P. 13:14 215/25
Wax 13:45 275/50
Kathleen 11:31 135/25
Peter 9:56 225/50
Jay E RX 9:39
Alex 165/35 11:08
Andy 10:48 135#/30#
Susan 7:50 115#/20#
Rinat 10:12 245#/45#
David 8:54 123#/15#
Kim G 10:05 155/25#
ChrisT 7:26 83#/15#
Barb 10:04 165#/25#
Jessie S 9:32 123#/20#
Kara 7:15 113#/15
Cate 6:49 Rx
Aimee 8:37 Rx
Paul 8:43 Rx
Keith 9:33 Rx
Vinny 7:50 Rx+55db
Conn 7:57 205/40
Borden 11:21 255/50
Matt G 9:55 205/25
Chip 8:34 Rx
Kate C 7:46 Rx
Bridget 7:16 135/20
Kelly G 9:38 105/15
Lauren 7:57 145/25
Kate K 6:55 145/35?
Shannon 6:33 105/20
Anne 8:18 135/15
Matt B 8:02 205/45
Jaime 6:48 95/15
Tidmore 7:02 165/90
Nick C 11:30 235/45
Big Al 10:33 295 55
Oleg 12:40 275/50
Kyle W 7:37 205/40
Pablo 11:40 155/25
Megs 9:22 155#/35#
Sandy 7:26 125/20
Cory 8:54 125/30
Andrew 8:56 205/35
Luke 7:18 205/35
Patrick 7:39 225
John M. 9:56 205/30
Faby 6:56 225
Manisha 9:10 83/15
Shawn T. 9:20 225
Smizzy 8:32 125/20
Dave N. 8:32 145/35
Rob ph 8:04 RX
Ryan B 5:00 Rx
Rachael H. 8:15 125#/25#
Randall 9:05 95#/25#
Justin R. 8:36 215#/45#
Joe G 11:46 scale
Michael K 7:30 115#/20#


  1. 6am
    Mike S. 13:54 165/35
    Mike P. 12:49 Rx
    Steve Z. 12:23 173/20
    Dinger 11:45 185/20
    KT 10:22 155/35
    Pat P. 13:14 215/25
    Wax 13:45 275/50
    Kathleen 11:31 135/25

    "It doesn't feel like a truck hit me, it feels like the whole caravan hit me" - Mike P., post wod

  2. 7am

    Happy Monday:)

    Peter 9:56 225/50
    Jay E RX 9:39
    Alex 165/35 11:08

    Jay E set the bar high this am!
    Keep those lower backs stretched through out the day

  3. 6:30

    Vinny 7:50 Rx+55db
    Conn 7:57 205/40
    Borden 11:21 255/50
    Matt G 9:55 205/25
    Chip 8:34 Rx
    Kate C 7:46 Rx
    Bridget 7:16 135/20
    Kelly G 9:38 105/15
    Lauren 7:57 145/25
    Kate K 6:55 145/35?
    Shannon 6:33 105/20
    Anne 8:18 135/15
    Matt B 8:02 205/45
    Jaime 6:48 95/15
    Tidmore 7:02 165/90
    Nick C 11:30 235/45
    Big Al 10:33 295 55
    Oleg 12:40 275/50
    Kyle W 7:37 205/40
    Pablo 11:40 155/25

  4. I apologize to the 4:30. I forgot to take a picture of your results. Please post to comments.

  5. 5:30pm
    Sandy 7:26 125/20
    Cory 8:54 125/30
    Andrew 8:56 205/35
    Luke 7:18 205/35
    Patrick 7:39 225
    John M. 9:56 205/30
    Faby 6:56 225
    Manisha 9:10 83/15
    Shawn T. 9:20 225
    Smizzy 8:32 125/20
    Dave N. 8:32 145/35

  6. Westwood 15:03 135/15
