

AMRAP in 20 minutes:
Sumo Deadlift High Pull, 20 Reps (55/75#)
Toes to Bar, 20 Reps
Double Unders, 20 Reps 
Push Press, 20 Reps (55/75#)

Community Notes: 
CF Endurance- Monday 4/15 @ 6:30PM, UM Track
Saturday and Sunday 4/20 and 4/21- L1 being hosted at KOP Main. Weekend classes to be held in Annex (110C DeKalb). 

Upcoming Events: 
4/20 CF Del Val, Dog Day afternoon, Fundraiser for SPCA @ 11am 
 4/27 WOD for Autism @ CFKoP 9AM & 10AM

“A room without books is like a body without a soul.” 
― Marcus Tullius Cicero

Nick J. 246 (scale) 65#/su/rom
Klutch 339 Rx
Wax 296 rom
Kathleen 263 45#/rom
Mike S. 186 65#/dua
KT 337 Rx
Steve Z. 220 50#/dua/rom
Mike P. 353 Rx
DInger 225 65#/su/rom
Peter W. 355RX
Lauren M. 248 ROM
Nick C. 321RX
Amanda D. 289 #45, T2Bscale
Jay E. 262RX
Susan 296 35#
Barb Z 265 t2bscale
Jill 190  22#/t2bscale
Sarah W 161 45#/t2bscale
Jonathan 251 65#/t2bscale
Mike W 272 Rx
Chris T 291 45#/t2bscale
Kara 288 40#/t2bscale
David 236 53#
Rinat 300 Rx
Bill 211 DUA
Schaeffer 402 Rx
Ryan 380 Rx
Ph 392 (T2B scale)
Smizzy 320 (43#/T2B scale)
Roman 331 Rx
Trina 342 scale
Joe C 302 Rx
Liz 272 45#
Lisa C 393 scale
Jen S 240 Scaled
Patrick 302RX
Brian R 241 SU
Andrew Y 246 Scale
Joy 194 DC
Bob G. 204 #65 T2B Scale
Megs 334RX
Jess S. 196 #45 DUA
Luke 116RX
Cory 240 #65 T2B/SU
Kate C. 334RX
Faby 405RX
Justin R 193 Rx
Mark B 272 Rx
Miranda 372 (BJ/25#DB)t2bscale
Erika 260 55/33
Travis 263 53#
Borden 321 Rx
Conn 266 65
JaIme 283 35 ROM
Shannon 300 35 ROM
Kate K 348 Rx
Dee 224 Rx
John H 283 Rx
Chris A 291 65 ROM
Balmer no longer believes in scores
Shawn 278 Rx
Ryan S 265 Rx
Pablo 240 65 su
Vinny 409 Rx


  1. 6am
    Nick J. 246 (scale) 65#/su/rom
    Klutch 339 Rx
    Wax 296 rom
    Kathleen 263 45#/rom
    Mike S. 186 65#/dua
    KT 337 Rx
    Steve Z. 220 50#/dua/rom
    Mike P. 353 Rx
    DInger 225 65#/su/rom

    Good work 6am on pushing through all 20 minutes. These long met cons can be as hard mental as physical. Way to work hard all the way.

  2. 7am

    Peter W. 355RX
    Lauren M. 248 ROM
    Nick C. 321RX
    Amanda D. 289 #45, T2Bscale
    Jay E. 262RX

  3. 5:30

    Jen S 240 Scaled
    Patrick 302RX
    Brian R 241 SU
    Andrew Y 246 Scale
    Joy 194 DC
    Bob G. 204 #65 T2B Scale
    Megs 334RX
    Jess S. 196 #45 DUA
    Luke 116RX
    Cory 240 #65 T2B/SU
    Kate C. 334RX
    Faby 405RX

  4. Endurance Track workout:

    Yummy intervals

    Sam B
    Mike P
    Matt G
    Rich C.
    Dave N.
    Jess C
    Tracy O
    Ellie H
    Kim G
    Kelly G

    Good job staying consistent with the steady build and shorter rest. Proud of you all getting work done.

  5. I did single unders not double unders

  6. 6:30

    Borden 321 Rx
    Conn 266 65
    JaIme 283 35 ROM
    Shannon 300 35 ROM
    Kate K 348 Rx
    Dee 224 Rx
    John H 283 Rx
    Chris A 291 65 ROM
    Balmer no longer believes in scores
    Shawn 278 Rx
    Ryan S 265 Rx
    Pablo 240 65 su
    Vinny 409 Rx
