

Mystery WOD
"What's gonna happen inside the new box today?"

Join coach Vinny for regular classes at 9AM and 10AM meet at the CrossFit KoP Annex (110C DeKalb Street). Park at Frosty Falls or in front of the new space.
“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.” 
- R. I. Fitzhenry quotes


  1. Awww what's in the box?!?1

  2. 9 & 10am
    800 meter run then...

    AMRAP 12 minutes
    9 burpees
    9 pull-ups
    9 kb swings
    9 slam balls

    Dave 117 band/44
    Kathy 90 band/26
    KT 184 35
    Wax 189 53
    Lam 140 53
    Jackie 148 band/35
    Diane 147 band/35
    King 164 80
    Pete 181 80
    Joy 120 35
    Keith 155 80
    Coxhead 131 80
    Kim C. 104 35
    Jack 126 band/55
    Bill R. 84 53
    John M. 144 band/35
    Kathy 72 jpu/18
    Andrew 159 44
    Becca 95 band/25
    Alona 176 band/35
