

 Welcome to Shannon Jaime!

and...welcome George!

Hang Power Clean (105/155#)
Handstand Push-up
Double Unders
“Never give up on what you really want to do. The person with big dreams is more powerful than the one with all the facts.” 

Roni 17:49 85#/SB
Cris 19:32 135#/DUA
Mike S 19:33 95#, scale
Mike C 18:15 115#, SB
Tim M 29:39 155#/AB
Mark C 21:47 145#/SB
Peter 16:47 135#/SB
Gabby 23:24 75#/AB/SB
Oleg 20:14 155#/SB
Lauren M 20:20 85#/Ring Pulls
Nick 19:25 135#/AB
Vinny 26:55 Rx
Chris A 19:24 115#/3AB/DUA
Becky 19:13 85#
Keith 17:01 Rx
Jonathan 14:24 85#/Box
Bill 24:19 AB/75#
Jill 23:31 35#/Box 25"
Amanda 18:01 73#/box
David 19:09 66#/Ab/Box20"
Jaime 18:14 33/box
Shannon 16:40 box/33
Sharon 26:40 95/SB/kickup
Smizzy 21:12 58/1AB
Andrew 20:10 95#
Klutch 21:03 135/AB
Shawn 23:12/135#/AB
Kyle 17:34 115/SU
George 17:00 45#/AB
Dave N 22:05 65#
Megs 20:49 95#
Mike T 19:06 Rx
Ryan 13:37 SB/95#
Nick 18:45 95/SB/SU
WW 16:52 105/SB
Peterson 19:19 135/SB/HSPU
PH 14:06 135/SU/SB
Bre 22:02 85@/DU abHSPU
Faby 12:54 Rx
Tracy 14:22 scale
Regi 15:32 65#/AB hspu
Paul S (NMC) 10:13 SB
Aimee 16:51 Rx
Joe C 15:24 135#
Lindsey 18:10 DU/65#/SB


  1. 4 spots left in BarBelles, although from talking with some girls, it's most likely just 2. First come first serve. Sign up in MindBody under "Seminars" or head to my blog for more info: http://cpconstantlyvaried.com/barbelles/

  2. 6am
    Roni 17:49 85#/SB
    Cris 19:32 135#/DUA
    Mike S 19:33 95#, scale
    Mike C 18:15 115#, SB

    Tim M 29:39 155#/AB
    Mark C 21:47 145#/SB
    Peter 16:47 135#/SB
    Gabby 23:24 75#/AB/SB
    Oleg 20:14 155#/SB
    Lauren M 20:20 85#/Ring Pulls
    Nick 19:25 135#/AB

    Nice work everyone, way to push through those handstands!
