
The 13.4 Open Recap

Aimee was in California and she is the master of the Duck so this is late coming to you.  These are the results after WOD 4 in the 2013 Open Sectionals.  WOD 4 was a familiar rep scheme with different movements.  HQ took 12.5 and substituted in toes to bar and clean and jerks.  It was the 4th workout in a row that testing something above your head.  Note to self...work on shoulder strength in the coming year.  We had lots of movement on the KoP leader board and it was exciting to see people push as hard as they can to beat that certain person in the gym.  WOD 4 officially knocked KoP out of contention for a spot in the 2013 Regionals but the competition was far from over.  See the gym standings below.  

In order to fit the scores on one page for the Duck to see, I hide a bunch of the columns.  If you would like to track your Regional standing from week to week, please email me for the full file and you can see anything you want.  Unfortunately, I did not do this during Week 1 so it is not complete.  I will do better next year.  

I will work on the final rankings tonight and hopefully get them up by Wednesday.  Great job everyone!

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