

2 K Row
20 Burpees
1K Row
10 Burpees

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.”
― Oscar Wilde

Gene 14:24
Flounder 15:55
Stacy 18:09
Richard 18:09
Ryan 13:16
Andrea 11:59 run
Rinat 14:32
Elena 19:41
Regi 17:21
Erika 17:01
Ellie 16:31
King 13:58
Pete W 14:20
Wax 15:10 run
Steph 16:33
Meg's 15:44 run
Jack 16:58
Mark 13:48 run
Allison 17:28
WW 14:46 run
Sam B 11:31 run

1 comment:

  1. 9AM

    Gene 14:24
    Flounder 15:55
    Stacy 18:09
    Richard 18:09

    Great job today. Way to make it through the 2 cash outs!!


    Ryan 13:16
    Andrea 11:59 run
    Rinat 14:32
    Elena 19:41
    Regi 17:21
    Erika 17:01
    Ellie 16:31
    King 13:58
    Pete W 14:20
    Wax 15:10 run
    Steph 16:33
    Meg's 15:44 run
    Jack 16:58
    Mark 13:48 run
    Allison 17:28
    WW 14:46 run
    Sam B 11:31 run

    Great effort today! Thanks to the 5 that chose to run. Way to go Ryan B for claiming that second spot on the 2k leader board with a 7:04. Also had close times from King and Gene today as well. Next time, you guys got it.
