

For Time:
50 Air Squats
10 Power Cleans 135/205#
50 Air Squats
10 Power Cleans 135/205#
50 Air Squats
10 Power Cleans 135/205#

Community Note:
Open gym will run this Sunday 3.3 from 11AM-1PM. This is FREE for current members ONLY.  This is a time to work on skill, strength or missed WODs.

"There are those that look at things the way they are and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not."
-Robert F. Kennedy

Chip 12:01 RX
Bree 11:32 #85
Lauren D 11:42 #75
Diane 11:23 #75
Coxhead 8:53 RX
Kim C. 13:17 #75
Barb 10:02 #75
Stacy 11:35 #85
Mr. W 12:27 #135
Mrs. W 11:40 Scaled
Gina 9:29 85
KT 9:01 115
Klutch 9:42 165
Kim G 13:06 95
Rebecca 10:49 85
Steve Z 10:42 85/rom
Lauren M 8:57 85
Bridget 8:16/17inbox
Pete 8:16 145
Nick C 10:55 145
Jay 10:44 Rx
Andrea 13:43 83/Rom
Joe C 11:23 155
Sharon 11:52 105
Stan 12:00 75
Sam B 7:58 185
Chris A 11:24 145
PH 12:13 175
Justin R 13:26 165
Andrew Y 12:25 135
Dee 8:45 95
Arin 10:38 95
Jess S 10:40 75
Smizzy 12:05 55
Rich 10:35 form/mbc
Mike Fab 10:38 185
Travis 12:30 135
King 8:50 145
JC 14:20 #95
Jessi 15:55 Form
Oleg 12:36 #165
Tim H. 12:12 #135
Kyle @ 11:06 #95
Robin 14:26 #63
Miranduh! 11:38 #110
Brian 13:17 #95
Shannon 11:02 #55
Jaime 12:47 #55
Erika 9:19 #95
Matt 16:50 #135
Ryan 10:24 #135
Leslie 11:33 #105


  1. OK . . . gotta do this at home . . . should we be choosing a weight that we can string for all 10, or should it be heavy-ish . . . stringing 3-5 at a clip?

  2. Heavy. If you can string more than 5, it's too light or you're Ryan B.

  3. 9:30

    Chip 12:01 RX
    Bree 11:32 #85
    Lauren D 11:42 #75
    Diane 11:23 #75
    Coxhead 8:53 RX
    Kim C. 13:17 #75
    Barb 10:02 #75
    Stacy 11:35 #85
    Mr. W 12:27 #135
    Mrs. W 11:40 Scaled

    Sprints! Sprints! Sprints!

  4. Paul you're a great coach. Loved the class bro.

  5. Paul, thanks again for a great class! Great cues on my clean, good stuff to work on! Next week, more muscle-ups!

  6. Sorry Diane!!

    Thanks John and Mike. Pleasure having you two.

  7. 6am
    Gina 9:29 85
    KT 9:01 115
    Klutch 9:42 165
    Kim G 13:06 95
    Rebecca 10:49 85
    Steve Z 10:42 85/rom

    Lauren M 8:57 85
    Bridget 8:16/17inbox
    Pete 8:16 145
    Nick C 10:55 145
    Jay 10:44 Rx

    Andrea 13:43 83/Rom
    Joe C 11:23 155
    Sharon 11:52 105
    Stan 12:00 75

    Keep working those positions!! Good job everyone! I def saw impovements in form. Thanks for to the 7am & noon classes for bearing the pain of assistance work for the low back and hip flexors...good times!!

  8. Paul I get a pass now from a sprint!

  9. 3:30

    Sam B 7:58 185
    Chris A 11:24 145
    PH 12:13 175
    Justin R 13:26 165


    Andrew Y 12:25 135
    Dee 8:45 95
    Arin 10:38 95
    Jess S 10:40 75
    Smizzy 12:05 55
    Rich 10:35 form/mbc
    Mike Fab 10:38 185
    Travis 12:30 135
    King 8:50 145

  10. 5:30

    JC 14:20 #95
    Jessi 15:55 Form
    Oleg 12:36 #165
    Tim H. 12:12 #135
    Kyle @ 11:06 #95
    Robin 14:26 #63
    Miranduh! 11:38 #110


    Brian 13:17 #95
    Shannon 11:02 #55
    Jaime 12:47 #55
    Erika 9:19 #95
    Matt 16:50 #135
    Ryan 10:24 #135
    Leslie 11:33 #105
