

As Many Reps as Possible in 10 Minutes:
3 Handstand Push-ups
3 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
6 Handstand Push-ups
6 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
9 Handstand Push-ups
9 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
12 Handstand Push-ups
12 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
15 Handstand Push-ups
15 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
18 Handstand Push-ups
18 Clean and Jerks 95/135#
21 Handstand Push-ups
21 Clean and Jerks 95/135#

This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 21, go on to 24. If you complete 24, go on to 27, etc. 

"It is characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate tings."
-Henry David Thoreau

Keith 82 Rx
Coxhead 86 Rx
Cate 93 Rx
Aim+1 61 Rx
Paul 71 Rx
King 72 1 Mat
Alona 70 65/SB
Pat Padden 55 115/SB
Oleg 56 SB
Kim G 60 75/SB
Kathleen 68 75/SB
Justin 70 SB
Roni 49 SB
Dinger 78 95/SB
Rinat 53 #135/AM
Amanda 57 #63/2AM
Al V. 66 RX
Allison 69 #63/SB
Jonathan 79 #95/2AM
Mr. W 40 #115/Scaled
Mrs. W 40 #55/SB
Dianne 60 #25
Lam 73 @ 103, sb
Laura 62 Rx
Regi 73 @ 65 sb
Tidmore 61 @ 115, ab
Sandy 67 @ 65, ab
Flounder 59 @ 115, sb
Joe P 66 @ 105, sb
Cory 54 @ 85, sb
Smizzy 54 @ 55, ab
Gabby 60 @ 65, ab
Bre 42 @ 75, ab
Cline 81 @ 75, sb
Kate C 73, Rx
Brett 78 @ 95, sb
Derreck 70, sb
Kate 83 @ 95, sb
Manisha 85 @ 35, db sp
Erika 85 @ 75, sb
Kyle W 109 @ 75, sb
JNa 68 @ 75, sb
Ben 62 @ 95, sb
Leslie 72 @ 75, scale
Bridget 83 @ 55, scale
Brandon 81 @ 115, sb
Fayth 85 @ 65, sb
WW 58@115 SB
Andrew 52 @95 AB
Rye Bread 85 SB
JZ 58 @95 AB
Travis 54 2ABs
Jim C 59 Rx
Mike T 86 Rx
Roman 83 SB
Tall Dan 42Rx
Rob PH 84 SB
Brian R 58Rx
Chris A 58 SB/115


  1. 6am

    King 72 1 Mat
    Alona 70 65/SB
    Pat Padden 55 115/SB
    Oleg 56 SB
    Kim G 60 75/SB
    Kathleen 68 75/SB
    Justin 70 SB
    Roni 49 SB
    Dinger 78 95/SB

    SB = Stink Bug

    NIce work today pushing those HSPU scales to the next level. Getting comfortable kicking up is just as important as developing the strength to perform the movement. Always ask a coach what scale benefits your individual needs the most, and you'll be on your way.

  2. Dirty 9:30

    Rinat 53 #135/AM
    Amanda 57 #63/2AM
    Al V. 66 RX
    Allison 69 #63/SB
    Jonathan 79 #95/2AM
    Mr. W 40 #115/Scaled
    Mrs. W 40 #55/SB
    Dianne 60 #25

    SB= Stink Bug

  3. I felt my baby kick last night for the first time. I am pretty excited. Just thought I would share.

  4. Ok everyone, grilling season is right around the corner so WHO NEEDS SOME BEEF??????? Philly Cow Share (PCS) has a cow for us that can be delivered to the box on April 3rd. We need 8 full shares. The cost is $348.50 per share. If you are interested in this, please fill in your name and email address on the Google docs spreadsheet located via the following link: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqoGnrGHVPKxdDVITWh2VGMyd1BxQVdvYmdFLS1GMWc&usp=sharing

    Payment for this would be due by March 27th. You will receive an email from PCS with instructions for payment once we have all of the shares accounted for.

  5. And yeah Jason!!!! That is the coolest thing for both parents about being pregnant is feeling that baby kick and move around. I mean, that and the super strength are the coolest (-:

  6. P, since super virus 13.2, I have only had 4 beers. You would be proud of me!

  7. oh good, I thought that was the kick

  8. 5:30
    Lam 73 @ 103, sb
    Laura 62 Rx
    Regi 73 @ 65 sb
    Tidmore 61 @ 115, ab
    Sandy 67 @ 65, ab
    Flounder 59 @ 115, sb
    Joe P 66 @ 105, sb
    Cory 54 @ 85, sb
    Smizzy 54 @ 55, ab
    Gabby 60 @ 65, ab
    Bre 42 @ 75, ab

    Cline 81 @ 75, sb
    Kate C 73, Rx
    Brett 78 @ 95, sb
    Derreck 70, sb
    Kate 83 @ 95, sb
    Manisha 85 @ 35, db sp
    Erika 85 @ 75, sb
    Kyle W 109 @ 75, sb
    JNa 68 @ 75, sb
    Ben 62 @ 95, sb

    Leslie 72 @ 75, scale
    Bridget 83 @ 55, scale
    Brandon 81 @ 115, sb
    Fayth 85 @ 65, sb

    nice job folks! glad to see some of you go with heavier weight at the possible sacrifice of lower reps. Cline, I'm sorry I couldn't type the sketched stinkbug that you drew

  9. 4:30 Boy's Club

    WW 58@115 SB
    Andrew 52 @95 AB
    Rye Bread 85 SB
    JZ 58 @95 AB
    Travis 54 2ABs
    Jim C 59 Rx
    Mike T 86 Rx
    Roman 83 SB

  10. 12n
    Tall Dan 42Rx
    Rob PH 84 SB
    Brian R 58Rx
    Chris A 58 SB/115
