

4 Rounds for time of:
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans (25/45#)
15 Dumbbell Front Squats
20 Dumbbell Push Press

Weekly Community Notes:
Tuesday-3.12 NEON day-dress in NEON
Wednesday-3.13 Nutrition 101 with Laura-6:30PM
Friday-3.15 Reebok CrossFit Open WOD 13.2 (all classes)
Saturday - 3.16 Adventure WOD-9:00AM
Sunday - 3.17 Adventure WOD-9:00AM

"If you have no will to change it, you have no will to criticize it."

Mike S. 17:35 25#
Wax 11:21 35#
Gina 10:35 20#
Mike P. 19:22 Rx
KT 10:14 HPC / FS 25#, PP 15#
Kathleen 11:21 15#
Pat P. 15:39 25#
King 11:11 35#
Pete W. 20:41 Rx
Lauren 9:29 20#
Alex 11:20 25#
Jonathan 13:35 20#
Rob PH 15:30 Rx
Nick 11:03 25#
Diane P 14:45 Rx
Barb 11:28 20#
Chris T 12:19 15#
Rinat 15:14 Rx
Chip 16:09 Rx
Ryan 12:31 55#rx+ 
WW 17:40 25/35# 
Justin R 17:54 35# 
Jessey 13:32 15/20# 
Sharon 19:23 Rx
Patrick 15:20 Rx
Mark B 11:54 (30#)
Brian 11:59 (35#)
Megs 9:35 Rx
Arin 12:57 (20#)
Regi 10:58 (20#)
Trina 14:23 (12#)
Roman 12:49 (35#)
Kate C 6:26 Rx
Anne 12:24 (15#)
Fayth 12:10 (15#)
Luke 20:58 25#
Gene 17:40 Rx+(50#)
Cory 15:46 25#
Flounder 17:21 35#
Breanna 15:06 20#
Lizzie T 10:56 15#
Bridget 12:09 15#
Manisha 15:15 15#
Ryan San. 15:00 35#
Tim H 19:10 35#
Oleg 18:28 Rx
David N 17:00 15#
Conn 12:30 30#
Shannon 11:39 15#
Kate K 12:18 Rx
Brandon 14:54 35#
Jess S 12:55 20#
Dee 9:21 20#
Erika 12:27 squat ROM
Brett 14:35 35#
Derreck 16:10 45# PP ROM
Jen S 13:19 25# box squats
Borden 14:59 45 PP ROM
Jaime 12:02 15#
Faby 14:37 115 BB
Alona 13:20 25 squat ROM
Matt B 11:04 35#


  1. 6am
    Mike S. 17:35 25#
    Wax 11:21 35#
    Gina 10:35 20#
    Mike P. 19:22 Rx
    KT 10:14 HPC / FS 25#, PP 15#
    Kathleen 11:21 15#
    Pat P. 15:39 25#
    King 11:11 35#

    Pete W. 20:41 Rx
    Lauren 9:29 20#
    Alex 11:20 25#

  2. 530

    Luke 20:58 25#
    Gene 17:40 Rx+(50#)
    Cory 15:46 25#
    Flounder 17:21 35#
    Breanna 15:06 20#
    Lizzie T 10:56 15#
    Bridget 12:09 15#
    Manisha 15:15 15#
    Ryan San. 15:00 35#
    Tim H 19:10 35#
    Oleg 18:28 Rx
    David N 17:00 15#

  3. 6:30

    Conn 12:30 30#
    Shannon 11:39 15#
    Kate K 12:18 Rx
    Brandon 14:54 35#
    Jess S 12:55 20#
    Dee 9:21 20#
    Erika 12:27 squat ROM
    Brett 14:35 35#
    Derreck 16:10 45# PP ROM
    Jen S 13:19 25# box squats
    Borden 14:59 45 PP ROM
    Jaime 12:02 15#
    Faby 14:37 115 BB
    Alona 13:20 25 squat ROM
    Matt B 11:04 35#
    Shawn 14:00 Rx
