
Get to know your coaches- Melanie

How long have you been doing Crossfit?
Since September 2009

What certifications do you have?
CF Level 1, CF Coaches Prep, CF Olympic Weightlifting

What future certifications do you want to get?
CrossFit Kettlebell, Mobility, as well as get my Level 2 when and if they re-introduce it (and when I qualify!)

What are your favorite things to coach?
I love coaching the Adventure WODs since I get to tap into my creative side and come up with something fun outside. I also used to love coaching the CF Lite class with my favorite group of ladies. It has been very rewarding watching them progress and graduate to regular classes.

Why do you like coaching?
Plain and simple, I love to see people improve, get fit and have fun doing it. When an athlete achieves a goal or improves on something because of the cues and support I have given them, then it makes my day! I also love the community aspect of CrossFit and I enjoy getting to know everyone in class on more than just a first name basis.

How would you classify your style?
I would classify my coaching style as honest. Maybe I shadowed too many of Jason’s classes when I started out but that is how I prefer to be coached myself so I have also adopted that style as well. I am not going lie to you or sugar coat what you are doing. I like to think I have a good eye and form to me is everything. My job as a coach is to not allow you to remain a bad athlete, I want you to be the best you can be and achieve all of you goals. If I lie about what you are doing or ignore your shitty form, it won’t happen for you! So don’t take my bluntness personally. I only pick you apart because I care!!!

Other interests outside of Crossfit?
Outside of CrossFit, I love doing anything outside. I enjoy hiking, skiing, gardening, home improvement projects, cooking, entertaining friends, party planning, traveling and lately, I am obsessed with my daughter.

What are you top 2 Crossfit goals for 2013?
My first goal would be to get back to my pre-pregnancy strength levels. I won’t expect to hit the numbers I did during my pregnancy this year because being pregnant and hitting those PR’s was like being on steroids! Also, one of the things that has pissed me off was hearing statements like “your body will never be the same” after you have a baby. Well, I’ll be damned if a statement like that is going to be a negative thing for me so I plan to be in BETTER shape by the time Eva’s birthday rolls around. I plan to be 40 and fabulous this year!
My second goal would be to do the named WOD “Eva” around my baby girl’s birthday. I have never done it and think it’s a good goal.

Favorite Crossfit memory?
I have lots of memories of specific athletes achieving things at the box but Regionals this past year and watching our fearless leader Aimee get that dumbbell snatch was so exciting!!! I was also at the box when Jason got his first muscle-up which was pretty cool to see after how much he worked on getting that movement. He may have lost it after that but that did not stop him from continuing to work on it.

What's your "day" job?
I work as a Global Trial Manager in the oncology group at a pharmaceutical company. I manage clinical trials on a global level and get to work with people all over the world who will manage the trial in their individual countries. They will then report into me the status of things and I then report up to the central team. I get to work collaboratively with all of the different functions (stats, data management, medical, medical writing, etc…) and basically just keep things moving in the right direction. I juggle a lot of balls at work but I enjoy what I do immensely!

What would you be doing for exercise without Crossfit?
Ugh, I hate to even think. I’d probably be at Planet Fitness down the street doing 2 body parts a day + 30 minutes of cardio, making no progress and gaining a few pounds a year. I have done 3 half marathons and am so glad to have found CrossFit so I can be in better shape without running long distances like that!!!

Favorite cheat foods?
Beer (IPA’s), wine (Malbec), fries (you can always eat one more fry), anything sweet.


  1. Great article, Mel...hope to see you and Baby Eva very soon.

  2. Yeah Mel! I bet a lot of people reading this never thought you were even CLOSE to 40. I remember when you were working on push ups and became a Zen Master at them, something that was very cool b/c it's not a glamorous movement, but a basic and essential one. I appreciate your rational thinking and great sense of humor too. Oh and of course the cute pictures of Eva. Congrats Mel!

  3. Mel, you're the best. Great coach, great person, great friend. We miss you at the 4:30!

    Brian R

  4. Mel you are one of the best parts of Crossfit! Come back to 4:30!

    Rob Ph

  5. Mel

    Great to get to know more about you. Great person, great coach!

  6. Coach Mel, you rock!

  7. Mel,
    I will always remember you are part of the Gun Show with Michele. You were one of my first Crossfit friends and I have always admired your strength, tenacity and attitude. You NEVER complain about/during a WOD - you just DO it.
    I was excited when you became a coach and enjoy your classes b/c of your no nonsense approach. I can always count on you to tell me the truth. I am a better crossfit athlete because of you. Thanks for all the coaching and support since I joined.
    You WILL be back even better - can't wait to see you cross that finish line!

  8. Mel, you are just straight up awesome!!!!

  9. Mel,

    That photo of you running in the pouring rain says it all, when you have your mind on a goal you will let nothing slow you down. You are an awesome coach, friend and mentor.


  10. Mel, you are awesome! Thanks for pushing me to do more than I think I'm capable of... you always turn out to be right! You are a terrific coach and an inspiration!

  11. You WILL come back stronger after pregnancy! No, you're body is never the same post-baby because its BETTER!!!! Every mama goes through a transformation no matter how they have their babies, but we're all better for it. Mothers are strong and beautiful no matter what age, race, size or creed. You are an amazing coach and woman! You deserve this spotlight :)

  12. I second what Tori said! You will come back kicking arsh and taking names! You deserve this spotlight because your an awesome women, mother, coach, athlete and friend!!!!
