

Complete the following for time:
Row 1000 Meters
(5 rounds of)
20 Hand Release Push-ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (35/55#)
Row 1000 Meters

 Gluten Free- Whether you need it or not by Kenneth Chang

"A Hope for Kenya Fundraiser"- [video]
We are hosting HOPE for Kenya on 2/16 at 9:00AM. Have you registered online? Make sure you don't miss it!

"The greatest good you can do for another is to not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own."
-Benjamin Disraeli

Mr. W 26:07 Rx
Mrs. W 36:03 sc
Stacy 24:27 sc
eddie 30:20 sc
Dave 24:17 sc
Steph V 14:07 half
Amanda 22:16 sc
Lauren D 22:40 sc
Allison B 22:41 Sc
Barb 22:39 Sc
Alison K 20:07 Rx
Rye 18:49 Rx
Schaefer 15:56 Rx
Dianne 14:29 half/bnd/26
Lucy 22:12 Rx
Becky 25:38 Vups
Lisa 24:00 bnd/26
Gene 20:32 Rx
Megs 20:54 Rx
Laura D 24:33 (26) mod
Brian R 22:26 Rx
Mark B 22:09 (45)
Mateo 21:13 (35) mod run
Jesse 23:14 (26) mod
Roman 21:46 Rx
Travis 24:14 mod
PH 21:12 Rx
Mike Fab 22:24 Rx
Justin H 19:43 Rx run
Carl K 27:28 (26) knees
Laurel 24:13 (26) mod
Joy 10:42 1/2reps (44) rom
Mike T 18:47 Rx
Cory 24:22 (44) mod
Flounder 23:54 rom
Andrew 22:25 (45)
Faby 16:50 Rx
Oleg 21:36 Rx
Tidmore 21:47 Rx
Jess S 24:37 knees
Kate K 22:38 Rx+44
Kyle W 22:00 (45) mod
Jess Car 22:34 Rx
Conn 23:29 Sn/44bnd
Vinny 16:56 Rx
Miranda 27:21 500mrows/44
Borden 23:02 Sn
Kate C 18:57 Rx
Erika 22:00 Sn
Rachel R 25:23 sn/18
Derrek 23:25 rx
Jeremy 24:42 Sn
Big Al 25:56 Rx
Leslie 29:26 incline24'
Chip 22:15 44
Dan M 23:54 44
Aimee 18:47 Rx


  1. Been having trouble getting into mindbody the last few days. When I pull up the blog none of the links that are usually on the right side of the screen show up. Is there another way to access it?

  2. Kathleen - I know blogger has been having some issues lately, use this link for MindBody https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ASP/home.asp?studioid=7174 and bookmark it or save the icon to your desktop that should be an easier way than going through the blog. I think also if you log on to MindBodyonline.com and enter CrossFit King of Prussia our link will pop up also. Sorry for the inconvenience.

  3. I've noticed that the blog works fine using Google Chrome, but not when using Internet Exporer.

  4. 6am
    Dinger 24:22 44#KB
    Steve M. 25:40 Rx
    Rebecca 21:56 Rx
    Lauren M. 22:33 Rx
    King 19:49 Rx
    Kathleen 24:44 Rx
    Kim G. 22:56 Rx
    KT 20:12 Rx

    Great work this morning 6am crew. Way to push yourselves on that last 1000M!

  5. I hope to God that we can scale the pushups.

  6. Nope Charles, no scaling EVER in Crossfit.

  7. I should have ROM scale next to my name. I try to hold plank on those push ups but they were not pretty. Think it's the first time I've done the KB without dropping it during the WOD - thanks for the inspiration Mike T.

  8. Thanks everyone for the tips on MindBody. I will give it a try.

  9. Kathleen - I don't think that Google supports Internet Explorer 8 anymore. If you open the blogger in another browser (i.e. Google Chrome), then you should be able to see anything. I downloaded Google Chrome, opened the blog through there and it worked.

  10. 9:30am Scores for Paul who caught the plague at Sunoco
    Mr. W 26:07 Rx
    Mrs. W 36:03 sc
    Stacy 24:27 sc
    eddie 30:20 sc
    Dave 24:17 sc
    Steph V 14:07 half
    Amanda 22:16 sc
    Lauren D 22:40 sc
    Allison B 22:41 Sc
    Barb 22:39 Sc

    Alison K 20:07 Rx
    Rye 18:49 Rx
    Schaefer 15:56 Rx
    Dianne 14:29 half/bnd/26
    Lucy 22:12 Rx
    Becky 25:38 Vups
    Lisa 24:00 bnd/26

  11. I was at 17:56, not 15:56.

    - Schaefer

  12. . . . missed another good one . . . grrrrrrrrr!

  13. Schafer. Awesome time at 17:56. That was painful.

  14. 4:30

    Gene 20:32 Rx
    Megs 20:54 Rx
    Laura D 24:33 (26) mod
    Brian R 22:26 Rx
    Mark B 22:09 (45)
    Mateo 21:13 (35) mod run
    Jesse 23:14 (26) mod
    Roman 21:46 Rx
    Travis 24:14 mod
    PH 21:12 Rx
    Mike Fab 22:24 Rx
    Justin H 19:43 Rx run
    Carl K 27:28 (26) knees
    Laurel 24:13 (26) mod
    Joy 10:42 1/2reps (44) rom
    Mike T 18:47 Rx


    Cory 24:22 (44) mod
    Flounder 23:54 rom
    Andrew 22:25 (45)
    Faby 16:50 Rx
    Oleg 21:36 Rx
    Tidmore 21:47 Rx
    Jess S 24:37 knees
    Kate K 22:38 Rx+44
    Kyle W 22:00 (45) mod
    Jess Car 22:34 Rx

  15. 6:30pm
    Conn 23:29 Sn/44bnd
    Vinny 15:56 Rx
    Miranda 27:21 500mrows/44
    Borden 23:02 Sn
    Kate C 18:57 Rx
    Erika 22:00 Sn
    Rachel R 25:23 sn/18
    Derrek 23:25 rx
    Jeremy 24:42 Sn
    Big Al 25:56 Rx

    Leslie 29:26 incline24'
    Chip 22:15 44
    Dan M 23:54 44

  16. glad to see Vinny is feeling better!

  17. Thanks Aim, my time was actually 16;56, but I am feeling so much better! Good to be back!

  18. Two for two on the typos today! Sorry guys!
