

Teams of 4 complete the following for time:
150 ABmat Sit ups
150 Back extensions
150 Ring rows
150 Overhead Squats (65/95#)
150 Thrusters (65/95#)
150 Double Unders 

Two athletes work at one time to complete the work, the exercises can be done in any order.

"First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do." 

Gene/Flounder/Arin 29:38
Elena, Rinat, Kim G, Ellie 22:18
Aimee/Beth/Roni/Barb 18:38
Vin/Sarah/Ryan/Andrea 16:35
Alison/Megs/Kate/Faby 16:14
Keith/KT/Jess/Rebecca 19:24
Kyle W/MR.T/Justin/Allison 17:34

1 comment:

  1. 9:00

    Gene/Flounder/Arin 29:38
    Elena, Rinat, Kim G, Ellie 22:18
    Aimee/Beth/Roni/Barb 18:38


    Vin/Sarah/Ryan/Andrea 16:35
    Alison/Megs/Kate/Faby 16:14
    Keith/KT/Jess/Rebecca 19:24
    Kyle W/MR.T/Justin/Allison 17:34

    Great job to both the 9am and the 10am. Chippers can get confusing/complicated and all of you managed very well. Lots of great teamwork and intensity.
