


Death by Pull-up

With a continuously running clock do one pull-up the first minute, two pull-ups the second minute, three pull-ups the third minute... continuing as long as you are able.

For an added challenge wear a weight vest.

Your score is the total number of minutes completed- which will indicate the amount of pull-ups reached.
"The cleverly expressed opposite of any generally accepted idea is worth a fortune to somebody."
-F. Scott Fitzgerald

Ross 7
Gina 9
Dinger 10
KT 12
Rebecca 11 (2MF)
David L 10 C2B
Chip 12
Lauren Mer. 12 bluebnd
Peter W 12
Oleg 15
Nick C 13
Gab 9 (MF)
Tori 11 (blue/floss)
Tim Mcc 12
Kara 11 (blue)
Dianne 7 (green)
Bre 7 Rx
Jessey 7 (blue/2)
Byrnsie 13 Rx
Rinat 12 rx
Chris A 11 Rx
Lauren D 11 (teal)
Becky 14 rx
Justin H 13
Ryan S 14
Travis 13
Megs 15
Mike T 18 (20#vest)
Arin 6
Sharon 9
Cory 12 (scale)
Ben 10
Jeremy 6 (scale)
Miranda 8 (scale deadhang)
Robin 12 (scale)
Kim C :)
John C MU's
Alison 9
Kyle W 10ROM
Mike P 20
Faby 15
Kate K 14
Luke 8
Joe P 12
Manisha 10 (scale)
Gene 9 deadhang
Keith 14
Aimee 13
PH form
Casey 9 green bnd
Joe C 13
Mark 13
Ryan 11
Shawn 6
Bridget 13 JPU


  1. I was really hoping for heavy cleans. Lol

  2. 6/7am

    Ross 7
    Gina 9
    Dinger 10
    KT 12
    Rebecca 11 (2MF)
    David L 10 C2B
    Chip 12
    Lauren Mer. 12 bluebnd
    Peter W 12
    Oleg 15
    Nick C 13
    Gab 9 (MF)

  3. 5:30PM

    Justin H 13
    Ryan S 14
    Travis 13
    Megs 15
    Mike T 18 (20#vest)
    Arin 6
    Sharon 9
    Cory 12 (scale)
    Ben 10
    Jeremy 6 (scale)
    Miranda 8 (scale deadhang)
    Robin 12 (scale)
    Kim C :)
    John C MU's
    Alison 9
    Kyle W 10ROM
    Mike P 20
    Faby 15
    Kate K 14
    Luke 8
    Joe P 12
    Manisha 10 (scale)
    Gene 9 deadhang

  4. 4:30

    Keith 14
    Aimee 13
    PH form
    Casey 9 green bnd
    Joe C 13
    Mark 13
    Ryan 11
    Shawn 6
    Bridget 13 JPU
