
Get to Know Your Coaches

Tim Pappas

How long have you been doing Crossfit?

July 2008
What certifications do you have?  

CF Endurance Level , CF-Level 1 Trainer, USA Track & Field Level 1 Coach, PA Health/Physical Education Teaching K-12

What future certifications do you want to get?

USATriathlon Level 1 Coaching, Mobility Certification, CrossFit Kids

What are your favorite things to coach?

One of my favorite things to coach is when I am able to see an athlete struggling through a WOD and I am able to coach them all the way through to the end, and push them to their unknown boundaries. It’s coaching them where I know they can go with just a little prodding; otherwise they might not go there, and not realize their full potential.  Also I love coaching our CF Endurance track workouts at the Upper Merion Track. It’s a great feeling when members can start to breathe better during the WODs because they have worked on some sprint intervals to build up that lung capacity.  Oh, and coaching the WODs Helen, Kelly, Nancy, Michael, and Eva, naturally.

Why do you like coaching?

I get a sense of accomplishment in making our athletes better. The way that I coach could lead to the possibility or drive that makes the members aspire to do better, and make reaching goals that much more exciting and passionate to get to.

How would you classify your style?

I would love to say I lead a military driven class because that’s what I want to do, but my ideal class is just a bit more relaxed than that. I really take pride in coaching a structured class and using time management to get in everything that we all want to get in during a time block.

Other interests outside of Crossfit?

My running and racing background my whole life has led to a passion in the sport of Triathlon the past 4 years especially. This means 10-12 hours per week in the pool with swim intervals, getting out on the bike for some longer rides a few times per week, and of course 10-12 x 400m repeats at the track to keep the speed up. I miss the box community a lot during the March-September Triathlon season, but truly love and enjoy being outside to swim, bike, and run.

I have enjoyed cooking and grilling more and more each year, and adapting the Paleo diet and lifestyle the past few years has helped with all of this as well!

What are you top 2 Crossfit goals for 2013?

I would love to have 10 strung muscle-ups as a goal, the last 3 times I’ve tried I got 9 :(   Secondly I’ve been working on a 15 rep bodyweight overhead squat. I only seem to get to 12 so far. Lastly, I want to get to chase Plentus for 200 double-unders, but I think I need a little more practice for that.

Favorite Crossfit memory?

So many, it’s very hard to nail down a specific few. But I did enjoy working with Aimee during 2009 to build CF-KOP into a powerhouse box and tactical training center. I think the best memories are the community events and traditions that you all have become a part of and we still use today and will use for years to come. Nothing really beats cheering on a member to pick up that bar one more time, or get that one more rep.

What's your "day" job?

I teach 2-3 days per week Health and Phys Ed within the Upper Merion School district. What I truly enjoy doing is working with the high school freshman/sophomore classes, where I can create interesting lessons about the benefits of fitness and good nutrition, and also making the right choices at that age. I incorporate a lot of topics I have learned from the CrossFit community over the years into this for some great real life examples.

Along with this, I really enjoy coaching the Upper Merion high school winter and spring track teams. Although this runs from November to June, it’s quite fulfilling and fun to work with them.

What would you be doing for exercise without Crossfit?

Wow-- this is a great one in which Laura and I talk about quite often.  Back in June of 2008 we met Aimee while she was teaching a spinning class at the Fairmount Athletic Club and we did some functional fitness movements in the lobby while jumping on and off the bikes. Had we not done that stuff, I would be doing more LSD (long slow distance) and not getting the best bang for the buck workouts in. Our bodies and mindset would not be “strong as a whole” and maybe we would not have changed our diet for the better at all! I would surely not be as strong as I feel, and would not have a higher sense of pain threshold since doing CrossFit.

Favorite cheat foods?
Oh man, 2 five guys double cheeseburgers. Once in a while I would do this after a monster “brick” workout, just so I can crave it even more. A brick is a stacking 2 disciplines (usually a bike then run) immediately following each other to prep the body for race day and the muscle confusion of the fast switch of getting off a bike and then getting right into a quick stride.  The time domains depending on the race distance you are training for can range from an 8 mile bike and an 800m run, to a 2 hour bike and a 6-8 mile run which I did regularly during IRONMAN training last year, so you can easily get “hungry” (...understatement)


  1. Nice! When Ditty and I joined KoP, here was this guy hanging around the box a lot, putting together GHDs, and dressed in a lot of blue. Was he a coach? Was he a CrossFit mechanic? Was he a Smurf wannabe? We weren't really sure. Luckily he made conversation about both of us going to Villanova and we became friends. Athletics is clearly his life and passion, so be prepared when you ask him how tri season is going. Glad people can learn more about this boy in blue! (But surprised he didn't talk about gear more in his interview!)

  2. Tim - great to read your profile. You are an awesome coach! You have a really great way of making people push themselves and you have made me reach deeper and You know when I am sucking wind to buy some time, - and called me out on it.

    You have said - get use to this feeling (of pain) it will make you stronger, and I believe you are correct in order to get stronger you have to get comfortable with he feeling of pushing yourself. I have found myself thinking about that advice and trying to get comfortable with pushing harder.

    Your running wods are exceptional and i look forward to the spring to do them again - they make a difference.

    Thanks for your coaching

  3. Oh Timmy...you are such a ham n egger!

  4. Timmy!!! One of the originals of Crossfit Kop! I remember when I first met you and Laura, your hair was a little different and you had that signature sweat band...you should totally start rocking those again!
    Love having you as a coach, I have learned so much from you over the years!
    Excited for your endurance classes to start up again.

  5. Tim,

    Sorry I am late to the party here writing to comments. You are an awesome coach! One of the first I met after joining CFKOP 3 years ago. Even when you call me Maureen I still love you, it only draws you nearer and dearer to my heart. We miss you during tri season but always good to see you when you are back at the box. As a coach you are always kind but you have high expectations of us, especially during those insurance WODS. You are an inspiration to watch and love the T&P Adventure WODS!
