

Max Effort Mini WoDs:

5 Minute AMRAP:
Ground to Shoulder Atlas Stone
*control the stone to the ground

5 Minute AM(Meters)AP:

5 Minute AMRAP:

Coaches Notes:
Athletes will rest 3:00 Minutes between Mini WoD's. Scale Atlas stone weight according to level and ability.

Community Notes:
Good luck to Cate and Mike V competing in the CrossFit 215 Partner Challenge on Saturday!

CrossFit KoP will host our monthly OPEN Gym for members only on Sunday from 11-1PM. This is a Free class.

We've all been so blessed by the opportunities CrossFit has brought to our doorsteps, and it's definitely time we share the experience! Set your priorities and give back. This is undoubtably the most important CrossFit related thing you'll do all year!  Check out... Live and Learn by Mike Warkentin and make sure to join HOPE for Kenya at CFKoP on 2.16 at 9AM.

“A challenge only becomes an obstacle when you bow to it.” 
― Ray Davis

Lauren D 42(35)/1150/48
Kara 29(35)/1081/44
Chris T 26(35)/1023/44
Stacy 18(70)/1040/52
Rinat 25/1346/72
Joe C 21@110/1403/63
Ryan S 20@90/1287/60
Justin R 22@90/1250/57
Mike Fab 12@140/1264/43
Becky: 15 (70#), 970, 65
Faby: 18 (140#), 1427, 92
Brian R: 24 (90#), 1202, 76
Mark B: 24 (90#), 1253, 75
Kyle W: 20 (90#), 1219, 70
Cris 26(110)/1260/62
Ellie 23(70)/1089/61
Gina 19(70)/1124/58
Kathleen 12(70)/1170/40
Al V 30(110)/1176/93
Lauren M 22(70)/1103/54
Peter 14(110)/1262/85
Nick C 23(110)/1292/62
Mark C 6(110)/1270/58
Dinger 33(90)/1119/51
Schaefer ?(110)/?/?
Jessey ?(70)/?/?
Shawn 14(80)/1279/71
Cory 17(90)/1317/57
Lisa 20(70)/1066/57
Dan M 21(90)/1270/60
Sandy 51(35)/927/60
Oleg 28(110)/1286/69
JK 6(70)/956/52
Brian J 20(110)/1230/53
Derreck 19(140)/1272/56
Jonathan 26(90)/1230/51
Leslie 21(70)/1112/49


  1. Squares are full. Please give your money to Aimee or I before Saturday at noon. Thanks.

  2. 930 results:

    Lauren D 42(35)/1150/48
    Kara 29(35)/1081/44
    Chris T 26(35)/1023/44
    Stacy 18(70)/1040/52
    Rinat 25/1346/72

  3. that wod sounds so horrible - cant believe I missed it. traveling all week can't wait get back at it!

  4. 3:30

    Joe C 21@110/1403/63
    Ryan S 20@90/1287/60
    Justin R 22@90/1250/57
    Mike Fab 12@140/1264/43
