

Filthy 50
50 Box jump, 25/21 inch box
50 Jumping pull-ups
50 Kettlebell swings, 55#/35#
Walking Lunge, 50 steps
50 Knees to elbows
50 Push press, 45/35 pounds
50 Back extensions
50 Wall ball shots, 20/14# to 10/8'
50 Burpees
50 Double unders

Community Notes:
This weekend on both Saturday, January 12th and Sunday, January 13th CrossFit KoP will be hosting an adventure WOD. Meet and park at Frosty Falls at 9:00AM. There is a Level 1 Seminar going on in our gym and we will not be hosting regular classes this weekend. Sorry for any inconvenience. This Class is open to all members and does count as a regular class.

"To live without risk for me would be the tantamount to death."
-Jacqueline Cochran

 Kim G 35:44 scale
Gina 31:04 scale
Cris A 27:38 RX
Ellie 35:05 scale
King 28:44 RX
KT 26:12 RX+ 45PP
Mike P 28:34 RX
Pete W 28:14 RX
Steve M 36:22 scale
Kathleen 34:31 scale
Jess C scale
Susan 27:30 SU
Barb 1/2 21:03 scale
Dianne 1/2 24:24 scale
Breanna 29:15 SU
Tim the Mick 28:18 SU
Mike T 25:02 Rx+GHD back
Rinat 24:06 ROM K2E
Chris A 32:13 scale
Jesse 31:22 scale
Pam 28:57 SU
Steph I 20:09 scale
Becky 38:40 dua
Schaefer 29:53 GHD back ROM K2E
Paul S 35:46 30" standard PU GHD back
John C 24:46 Rx
Arin 27:30 30reps ROM K2E
Laura D 24:37 30reps scale
Jason H 32:10 ROM K2E
Brian R 34:34 SU
Kim C 18:17 scale 1/2 reps
Becca 17:45 scale 1/2 reps
Jim C 30:46 Rx
PH 30:41 scale
Westwood 29:57 ROM K2E
Robin 37:59 scale
Joy 16:55 1/2 25" 44kb 45pp
Mike Fab 31:57 K2E(scale)


  1. 6:00am

    Kim G 35:44 scale
    Gina 31:04 scale
    Cris A 27:38 RX
    Ellie 35:05 scale
    King 28:44 RX
    KT 26:12 RX+ 45PP
    Mike P 28:34 RX
    Pete W 28:14 RX
    Steve M 36:22 scale
    Kathleen 34:31 scale

  2. 12:00

    Jess C scale
    Susan 27:30 SU
    Barb 1/2 21:03 scale
    Dianne 1/2 24:24 scale
    Breanna 29:15 SU
    Tim the Mick 28:18 SU
    Mike T 25:02 Rx+GHD back
    Rinat 24:06 ROM K2E
    Chris A 32:13 scale
    Jesse 31:22 scale
    Pam 28:57 SU
    Steph I 20:09 scale
    Becky 38:40 dua
    Schaefer 29:53 GHD back ROM K2E


    Paul S 35:46 30" standard PU GHD back
    John C 24:46 Rx
    Arin 27:30 30reps ROM K2E
    Laura D 24:37 30reps scale
    Jason H 32:10 ROM K2E
    Brian R 34:34 SU
    Kim C 18:17 scale 1/2 reps
    Becca 17:45 scale 1/2 reps
    Jim C 30:46 Rx
    PH 30:41 scale
    Westwood 29:57 ROM K2E
    Robin 37:59 scale
    Joy 16:55 1/2 25" 44kb 45pp
    Mike Fab 31:57 K2E(scale)

    Nice work on this long chipper today. Its really tough to make sure you're getting every rep of the K2E. Great job pushing through everyone!

  3. I tried to keep up with Laura P... until she blasted me by stringing all 50kb swings. ooof.

  4. 5:30
    Lisa C 32:16 scale
    Travis 33:48 scale
    Kate K 14:22 half reps
    Megs 12:19 half reps
    Cory 32:25 scale
    TP 23:43 Rx
    LP 19:42 Rx
    Alison 28:15 knees to tri's
    Kate C 23:14 Rx
    Mark B 31:40 scale
    Dan L 33:02
    Schaefer 29:05
    Sandy 33:51 scale
    Vinny 25:28 Rx
    Miranda 33:56 dc 9 ft
    Flounder 33:38 scale
    Patick 33:07
    Faby 24:34
    Andrew Y 32:51 scale
    Oleg 34:16 su's

    Albert 21:55 Rx
    Maria 21:00 half reps
    Al 35:16 scale
    Justin M 28:22 scale
    Lauren M 30:53 scale
    Manisha 31:34 scale
    Conn 33:33
    Matt B 28:46 scale
    Borden 33:43 scale
    JNa 19:24 half reps

    Fayth 25:32 35 each
    Anne 19:43 half reps
    Rebecca S 31:42 k2e att
    Leslie 26:21 35 reps
    Mateo 22:02 35 reps
    AJ 39:43 scale

    Scaling reps allows for a great deal of work to be done without sacrificing intensity. Nice job to everyone!
