

Clean and Jerk 

on the minute for 10 minutes:
3 Clean and Jerks at 75% of your new 1 RM

"Our dreams come to if we have the courage to pursue them"
-Walt Disney

Jay E 225
KT 135
Mike S 125
Oleg 185
Ross 95
Gina 105pr
King 195pr
Megs 100
Nick 135
Susan 110
Chris T 98
Shaefer 205
Kim C 100PR
John C 245 (285 Clean)
Jessie 70
Tim Mcc 175
Steph V 155
Steve M 145
Byrnsie 205
Andrea 105 PR
Sharon 145 PR
Kate K 115 PR
Andrew Y 185 PR
Gene 245 PR
Faby 215 PR
Sandy 95
Tim H 175
Brian R 210 PR
Marie 35 form
Smizzy 65 form
Diane 115
Bree 115 PR
Joe C. 195PR (205 Clean PR)
Steph I. 85 PR
Geoff 190 PR
Olan 200 PR
Derreck 245 PR
Klutch 205 PR
Jen K 25 form
Jackie 115 PR
Jeremy 145
Jessica 55 PR
Tre 145 PR
Stan 105
Chip 255 PR!!!!
Rebecca 125
Jack 105 PR
Dan M 145
Leslie 115
Brian J 145


  1. 6am

    Welcome Ross! And congrats on learning the burpee. Many more to come.

    Jay E 225
    KT 135
    Mike S 125
    Oleg 185
    Ross 95
    Gina 105pr
    King 195pr

  2. 930 results:

    Megs 100
    Nick 135
    Susan 110
    Chris T 98
    Shaefer 205

  3. Kate K 115 PR
    Andrew Y 185 PR
    Gene 245 PR
    Faby 215 PR
    Sandy 95
    Tim H 175
    Brian R 210 PR
    Marie 35 form
    Smizzy 65 form

    You ALL get 2000 Plentus points since you ALL signed up on Mind Body ahead of time. This is the first time I've ever had this happen since the beginning of time.

  4. Diane 115
    Bree 115 PR
    Joe C. 195PR (205 Clean PR)
    Steph I. 85 PR
    Geoff 190 PR
    Olan 200 PR

  5. 6:30

    Derreck 245 PR
    Klutch 205 PR
    Jen K 25 form
    Jackie 115 PR
    Jeremy 145
    Jessica 55 PR
    Tre 145 PR
    Stan 105


    Chip 255 PR!!!!
    Rebecca 125
    Jack 105 PR
    Dan M 145
    Leslie 115
    Brian J 145

    SHout out to Tre and Chip! They both hit big PRs tonight!!!
