

5th Element Workshop at CFKoP

Hang Squat Clean

Cash out:
5 Hang Squat Cleans (*use 75% of your new 1RM)
10 GHD Sit ups
4 Hang Squat Cleans
10 GHD Sit ups
3 Hang Squat Cleans
10 GHD Sit ups
2 Hang Squat Cleans
10 GHD Sit ups
1 Hang Squat Clean
10 GHD Sit ups

"Neither smiles nor frowns, neither good intentions nor harsh words, are a substitute for strength."
-John F. Kennedy

Kim G 108/5:19 Rx
Jackie 120 5:23 Rx
Tim P 225 4:44 Rx
Laura P 125/4:27 Rx
Erika 105 5:34 Rx
Mike T 205/3:24 Rx
Ryan B 305/3:59 ab
Balmer 225 3:45 Rx
Jack 86/7:15 ab
Jim 225 5:19 Rx
Matt G 195 5:08 ab
Tim H 215/5:22 Rx
King 185/5:05 Rx?
Dan 210/6:05 Rx
Vinny 245
Andy 185/3:01 ab
Diane 120/6:06 Rx
Kate K 115 4:34 Rx
Jess S 90 4:28


  1. 9:00

    Kim G 108/5:19 Rx
    Jackie 120 5:23 Rx
    Tim P 225 4:44 Rx
    Laura P 125/4:27 Rx
    Erika 105 5:34 Rx


    Mike T 205/3:24 Rx
    Ryan B 305/3:59 ab
    Balmer 225 3:45 Rx
    Jack 86/7:15 ab
    Jim 225 5:19 Rx
    Matt G 195 5:08 ab
    Tim H 215/5:22 Rx
    King 185/5:05 Rx?
    Dan 210/6:05 Rx
    Vinny 245
    Andy 185/3:01 ab
    Diane 120/6:06 Rx
    Kate K 115 4:34 Rx
    Jess S 90 4:28

    I saw a lot of improvemnent with everyone dropping and catching in the squat. Shout out to Tim H who fought his way out of the hole at 205 and not only succeeded but went up and hit 215 as well. Nice work!!!

  2. Just for the record, my ROM on the GHDs was definitely not rx!
