

100 Hang Power Cleans (95/135#)
Every minute on the minute you must do 10 situps even if you do not perform any hang power cleans

"It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome."
-William James

Dinger 7:56 (75#)
Kathleen 9:46 (65)
Ellie 10:43 (70)
Gina 8:46 (70)
Lauren Mer. 9:38(65)
Ross R 11:00 (75)
Oleg 12:52 (115)
Melinda K 10:35 Rx
Kristin T 10:43 Rx
Alison K 8:28 Rx
Jay E 11:59 Rx
Laurel 12:55 (35)
Amanda 7:58 (50)
Kara 9:58 (53)
Chris T 10:47 (53)
Nick Z 9:33 (105)
Tim McC 14:32 (125)
Chip 12:37 rx
Rinat 17:28 (125)
Aimee 8:45 rx
Keith 10:27 rx
Cate 10:29 sub 5 burpees
Faby 6:49
LP 7:51
Steph V 8:31 97#
Andrew 1:48 95#
Kate C 8:26 Rx
Ryan S 8:58 95#
Mike P 13:34 Rx
TP 10:28 Rx
Jess S 12:44 65#
Kelly :-)
Tim H 9:39 95#
DeeDee 10:49 50@97#
Mike Fab 12:51 Rx
Smizzy 9:48 35#
Katerina 15:09 35#
Rob Ph 11:50 Rx
Joe P 10:42 95#
Chris A 9:47
Tre 10:48
Bre 12:45 85#
Dawn 15:46
Jason C 13:56 75#
Travis: 11:25 (125#)
WW 13:22 (115#)
Ryan 6:34 (Rx)
Mark B 10:36 (105#)
Jack 9:50 (65#)
Robin 13:45 (43#)
JZ 12:28 (95#)
Joe C 12:40 (115#)
Diane P 15:49 (Rx)
Joy 14:37 (85#)
Steph I 11:55 (55#)
Fayth 11:47 (55#)
Anne ??
Olan 14:54 (Rx)
Schaefer 9:49 Rx
Sharon 12:40 83#
Klutch 13:45 Rx
Matt G 11:45 95
Erika 11:37 75
Jackie 9:59 65
Albert 10:27 Rx
AJ 12:59 Rx
Kate K 12:35 Rx!!!!
Jessica C 13:27 35
Megs 7:50 50reps @95
Sandy 13:49 65
Leslie 9:48 65
Linda 24:00 Cap 89 reps@65
Kathy 17:33 35
Rebecca 11:41 @85
Brian J 14:58 95
Dan M 10:46 95


  1. 6am

    Dinger 7:56 (75#)
    Kathleen 9:46 (65)
    Ellie 10:43 (70)
    Gina 8:46 (70)
    Lauren Mer. 9:38(65)
    Ross R 11:00 (75)
    Oleg 12:52 (115)
    Melinda K 10:35 Rx
    Kristin T 10:43 Rx
    Alison K 8:28 Rx
    Jay E 11:59 Rx

  2. Damn Alison! Setting that bar high. You go girl!

  3. Who's coming to Nutrition Fundi's tonight - let me know! laurapappashealth at gmail.com.

    Looking forward to seeing some of you there!

  4. 930 results:

    Laurel 12:55 (35)
    Amanda 7:58 (50)
    Kara 9:58 (53)
    Chris T 10:47 (53)
    Nick Z 9:33 (105)
    Tim McC 14:32 (125)
    Chip 12:37 rx
    Rinat 17:28 (125)
    Aimee 8:45 rx
    Keith 10:27 rx
    Cate 10:29 sub 5 burpees

  5. OK, this looks horrible, which means I'll see you filthy animals at 5:30 . . . I'd really like to try to Rx this, but it may take me 15-18 minutes to do so . . . Coaches, is that too long for this tyep of WOD?

  6. 5:30 BAC for the HPCs

    Faby 6:49
    LP 7:51
    Steph V 8:31 97#
    Andrew 1:48 95#
    Kate C 8:26 Rx
    Ryan S 8:58 95#
    Mike P 13:34 Rx
    TP 10:28 Rx
    Jess S 12:44 65#
    Kelly :-)
    Tim H 9:39 95#
    DeeDee 10:49 50@97#
    Mike Fab 12:51 Rx
    Smizzy 9:48 35#
    Katerina 15:09 35#
    Rob Ph 11:50 Rx
    Joe P 10:42 95#
    Chris A 9:47
    Tre 10:48
    Bre 12:45 85#
    Dawn 15:46
    Jason C 13:56 75#

    think of the kettlebell hip POP when jumping and using your hip in the clean, hang or not, power or not. Nice intensity tonight, solid work!

  7. 6:30

    Klutch 13:45 Rx
    Matt G 11:45 95
    Erika 11:37 75
    Jackie 9:59 65
    Albert 10:27 Rx
    AJ 12:59 Rx
    Kate K 12:35 Rx!!!!
    Jessica C 13:27 35
    Megs 7:50 50reps @95


    Sandy 13:49 65
    Leslie 9:48 65
    Linda 24:00 Cap 89 reps@65
    Kathy 17:33 35
    Rebecca 11:41 @85
    Brian J 14:58 95
    Dan M 10:46 95
