

3 Rounds for time:
50 Calorie Row
3 Rope Climbs (20 feet)

Community Note:
We would like to wish Coach Vinny, Dan Faby and Ryan Brennan good luck as they compete in the Winter Warmer tomorrow at the Northeast Soundstage & Studio

Click here for more information

"All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous, unpremeditated act without benefit of experience."
-Henry Miller

 Rinat 17:25 rx
Sarah W 19:48 (pulls/30 calories)
Mike W 18:27 (15')
CHris T 19:08 (pulls)
Susan 22:06 (15')
Jay E 18:15 (pulls)
DeeDee 12:26 1/2Cal, Scale Rope
Cory 15:20 Rope Pulls
Jim C. 15:32 RX
Mr. T 17:38 15"
Brian 19:45 15"
Diane 17:15 Rope Pulls
Kate C 22:41 15"
Manisha 22:38 Rope Pulls
Dan M. 16:38 RX
J-Na 9:28 1/2Cal, Rope Pulls
Mike P 19:52 Rx
Lou 15:13 puls
Brian D 17:08 pulls
Cris 17:23 Rx
Todd T 20:35 2 1/2 climbs
Steve Z 20:30 1/2 pulls
KT 22:15 2 climbs to 15'
Gina 17:46 pulls
Ross 17:45 3 climbs/pulls
Rebecca 21:58 15'
Mike S 20:14 15'
Klutch 21:51 8 climbs/pulls
Kathleen 18:18 pulls
Amanda 19:33 pulls
Chip 23:22 7 climbs/pulls
Mark C 19:00 pulls
Pete W 24:00 Rx
Nick C 21:44 Rx
Oleg 15:35 pulls
Mark B 14:38 pulls
Chris A 19:40 pulls
Schaefer 19:27 Rx
Mateo 18:03 pulls
Gene 20:10 1climb/rnd pulls
King 20:02 15'
Jeremy 18:43 pulls
Steph I 18:37 pulls
Smizzy 23:54 pulls
Joe C 16:46 15'
Travis 17:55 15'
Jason H 17:22 15'
WW 19:35 partial climbs
Ph 13:34 pulls
Brian 14:43 pulls
Bre 17:10 pulls
Stacy 16:22 pulls
Robin 19:15 pulls
Kim C 12:24 (rr 2.5 min row)
James M 12:58 pulls
Fab 20:40 partial climbs


  1. Good luck my dudes, even though you guys don't need it.

  2. You guys are gonna do great! Good luck. Give it all you have...genetically :)

  3. wish i could be there to see that display. Kick a$$! Laura Pappas, you are one funny gal :)

  4. Happy birthday to Dan L! A couple of months ago you did 3 sets of 5 backsquats at 185 and it was tough. Last night you did 3x5 at 235 and still had some in the tank. Besides being a beast, you're one of the nicest guys in the gym. Happy birthday dude!

    Good luck to Vinny, Faby, and Ryan. Competition brings out a level of intensity you just won't find in regular workouts. Just don't do weighted overhead sit ups if they come up ;-)

  5. 930 results:

    Rinat 17:25 rx
    Sarah W 19:48 (pulls/30 calories)
    Mike W 18:27 (15')
    CHris T 19:08 (pulls)
    Susan 22:06 (15')
    Jay E 18:15 (pulls)

    Nice work! Way to crush it Rinat!

    note:we did 12 pulls and stopped the clock at the TOP of the rope.

  6. Good luck to all the competitors tomorrow!!!

    Happy Birthday Dan!

  7. Dan L you are one observant dude! Keep up the strong work!

  8. Happy Birthday Dan!

    Good luck Vinny, Faby, and Ryan! You guys will own the competition.

  9. curios - how many meters approx do you think you would orw for 50 cals. i know it will depend on a couple factors, but would it be around 750 meters....any thoughts

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Vinny, Faby and Ryan - go kick some ass and have some fun- you guys will do great!

  12. Happy birthday Dan!!!!! You are such a great guy and are always so considerate of others. I hope you have a great day and even better year ahead!

  13. King, you're right that calories depend on a lot of things, but it's basically down to how hard you row. From C2,

    Calories = (4x ave. watts/1.1639) + 300 cal/hour x time rowed (in hours)

    and 200W = 2:00/500m

    plugging that in, you get about 33 calories for a 2min 500m row. Assuming you will be faster than that pace, your answer is probably more around 600m but person to person is going to vary (slower rowers will probably be around 750m). I'd be interested in real world results if anyone posts them (maybe from a warm up or post-wod since you shouldn't take the time to change the screen)

  14. also, the calories are just an approximation for what you actually burned since body type and efficiency are two key factors.

  15. 50 calories took me 2 minutes and four seconds my first round.

  16. I did not click to see what the meters was. I am assuming close to what P said. It felt like a 1:4? split.

  17. I had 29 calories on the 500 meter row that we did as a warmup at 6AM.

  18. Professor Plentus - thanks for your response. This is helpful as I try to approach this wod.

    Now I need the calculation that tells me how to get my ass up a 20ft rope 3 times after rowing 50 cals for 3 rounds.

    C2 have any info on that?

    Thanks again.

  19. actually, Dr. Vinny has the answer to that: "yeah, when you climb the rope just reach up with your arms and wrap your legs, now pull up. You can do it without your legs, just like this. Ya know, if you can."

  20. 5:30

    DeeDee 12:26 1/2Cal, Scale Rope
    Cory 15:20 Rope Pulls
    Jim C. 15:32 RX
    Mr. T 17:38 15"


    Brian 19:45 15"
    Diane 17:15 Rope Pulls
    Kate C 22:41 15"
    Manisha 22:38 Rope Pulls
    Dan M. 16:38 RX
    J-Na 9:28 1/2Cal, Rope Pulls

  21. 6:00

    Mike P 19:52 Rx
    Lou 15:13 puls
    Brian D 17:08 pulls
    Cris 17:23 Rx
    Todd T 20:35 2 1/2 climbs
    Steve Z 20:30 1/2 pulls
    KT 22:15 2 climbs to 15'
    Gina 17:46 pulls
    Ross 17:45 3 climbs/pulls
    Rebecca 21:58 15'
    Mike S 20:14 15'
    Klutch 21:51 8 climbs/pulls
    Kathleen 18:18 pulls


    Amanda 19:33 pulls
    Chip 23:22 7 climbs/pulls
    Mark C 19:00 pulls
    Pete W 24:00 Rx
    Nick C 21:44 Rx
    Oleg 15:35 pulls


    Mark B 14:38 pulls
    Chris A 19:40 pulls
    Schaefer 19:27 Rx
    Mateo 18:03 pulls


    Gene 20:10 1climb/rnd pulls
    King 20:02 15'
    Jeremy 18:43 pulls
    Steph I 18:37 pulls
    Smizzy 23:54 pulls
    Joe C 16:46 15'
    Travis 17:55 15'
    Jason H 17:22 15'
