
The Fifth Element Fitness Workshop

with Coach Steph

Sunday, January 27 10am- 2pm

Registration $40, CLICK HERE to sign up today

It is impossible to reach the pinnacle of your physical performance without your mind being in alignment. You can passively hope that your mind supports you, but how much faster could you move towards your potential if you developed it consciously?

That is what 5th Element Fitness Workshop is all about...YOU REACHING YOUR POTENTIAL in your SPORT, in THE GYM as well as IN YOUR LIFE!

Stephanie discovered first-hand the trans-formative power of connecting the mind and body. With that connection, she has achieved physical accomplishments no one could have guessed were possible (especially her!) Beyond that, it completely transformed her career and personal life for the better. She believes that connection has made it possible for her to discover the work she was meant to do in the world. She became a Life Coach and a CrossFit Coach. Through 5th Element Fitness, she combines the two.

The 5th Element Fitness Workshop is specifically designed for CrossFitters to gain insight into the connection between their mind and body, as well as learn tools on how to incorporate their mind into their training and competition. The workshop includes an interactive learning session, followed by a workout that gives participants a chance to put mental practices into action.

The workshop includes an optional, confidential, 1:1 life coaching session done via phone or Skype in the weeks following the workshop. In the session participants will explore more deeply their next steps towards integrating mind and body more fully.
The workshop will provide you with insights and tools that will...
  • Improve your physical performance
  • Help you achieve your goals
  • Increase your joy and satisfaction in your training, as well as in competition
  • Increase contentment and success in all areas of your life
Note from Steph:
I'm very excited to offer this workshop to my community before I take it on the road! I'll be doing it again in February in Ohio at Coca CrossFit. I am extremely passionate about how aligning mind and body can positively impact us. I believe it is integral to our best performance and overall happiness in CrossFit and beyond.

I want that for you...I want you to kick ass and have the time of your life doing it (in the gym...and everywhere else too!)

"Stephanie has become a dear friend, someone I trust to keep me accountable to my own goals, and my personal development. She understands the power of the mind, and is a wonderful resource on the mind and body connection."
-Greg Amundson
Founder of the CrossFit Goal Setting Trainer Course (www.crossfitgoalsetting.com)/
Owner of CrossFit Amundson

'Working with Stephanie has enabled me to remove the external pressures of being a professional CrossFitter and fall back in love with the process of training and why I started CrossFit in the first place'
-Kate Rawlings
Owner of Coca CrossFit (www.cocacrossfit.com)/ Reebok CrossFit Sponsored Athlete

"I’ve been fortunate to have had a session with Stephanie. I found her to be very effective at giving me the tool set to better understand and ultimately maximize the mental aspect of my CrossFit Experience. She has a great ability to listen and digest as well as to provide concrete suggestions on how to make mental improvements that result in performance improvements. "
- Anonymous
Member of CrossFit King of Prussia

"Stephanie's coaching has offered me invaluable and positive "light bulb" moments. I really struggle with endurance and I can end up suffering serious self-doubt during Met Cons. Stephanie not only helped me to identify the issues I was having surrounding the self-doubt, but also set up a realistic game plan to deal with these feelings during my workouts."
- Dianne Linwinko
Member of CrossFit King of Prussia

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