

For time complete:
100 WallBalls (14/20# all to 10 ft target)
100 Slam Balls (choose weight based on level and ability)

Partition and complete as needed. This can be done in small sets and does not need to be completed in order.

Community Notes:
Redemption WOD, 12/2 from 10am-2pm @ CF215 (WOD= AMRAP in 20- 7 burpees, 14 box jumps, 21 KB swings). Go out to support a good cause and local community. 

“Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” 
― Plato

Arun 13:45 14#ROM/15#
Dinger 15:10 25#
Jess S, 15:57 12# to 10'/15#
Kim G 17:20 9'/20#
Peterson 14:05 30#
Derreck 13:29 30#
King 11:53 30#
Steph V 6:54 Half w/25#


  1. Arun (1st class!) 13:45 14#ROM/15#
    Dinger 15:10 25#
    Jess C, 15:57 12# to 10'/15#
    Kim G 17:20 9'/20#
    Peterson 14:05 30#
    Derreck 13:29 30#
    King 11:53 30#
    Steph V 6:54 Half w/25#

    Welcome to CFKOP Arun!!!
    Thanks to all for playing along with the paralette planks and candlestick cash out...hurts so good :-)

  2. Sorry, that was Jess S not C.
