

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15 Box jumps, 20/24" box
75/115 pound Push press, 12 reps
9 Toes-to-bar


"Efficiency Tips: Box Jumps" with Matt Chan - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]
7 CrossFit Life Lessons  

"I will not lose, for even in defeat, there's a valuable lesson learned, so it evens up for me." 
-Jay Z

Klutch 223 RX
Todd T 231 RX
Cris 237 RX
Tim Mc 236 RX
Rebecca 169 T2B ROM
Roni 200 65#
KT 286 RX
Kathleen 165 55#/ROM
Dinger 228 75#/ROM
Steve M 180 85#
Beth O 259 1arm#15DB/T2BSc
Vinnie 203 95#
Rinat 237 Rx
Sarah W 144 17/45/T2Bsc
Ryan B 282 Rx
Mark B 243 95#
Mike T 311 Rx
Dianne 240 13/63/T2BSc
Steph I 221 13/55/T2Bsc
Barb 220 65/T2Bsc
Schaefer 268 Rx
Pam 237 Rx
Justin H 206 Rx
Justin R 178 Rx
Megs 248 Rx
Joy 225 65/T2Bsc
Becca 163 75/mommascale
Brian R 201 Rx
Robyn 204 17/22/T2Bsc
Anne 195 45/13/t2Bsc
Alexis 193 55/t2bSc
Heather 202 17
Fayth 205 55/13/t2bSc
Roman 244 95
Westwood 144 95/ROM
Sandy 199 65
Shawn 252 115/scale
Bre 165 65
Ben 214 75
Faby 277 Rx
Jen S 293 Rx
Gene 226 Rx
Ryan S 232 95
Kelly 304 17/15/knee raises
Patrick 231 Rx
Yale 200 75
Cory 231 45
Katerina 216 scale
Al 181 Rx
JNa 224 17/55/scale
Vinny 307 Rx
Sean Ald. 212 85/ROM
Jeremy 145 95
Matt B 188 95/20
Tidmore 180 Rx
Albert 239 Rx
Sarah J 171 55/tttttb*
Kate C 292 Rx
Conn 182
Borden 232
Mike W 202 95
Erika 188 Rx
Sam B 302 Rx
Andrew Y 75 215
Trey 238
Leslie 216 17/55/kb
Stasie 216 plates/45/kb
Becky 243 65
Diane 222 scale for t2b
Chris A 256 75/scale
Brian 232 65/scale


  1. a day late and a dollar short:

    (for those with flexibility issues and need to work on them, myself included, I highly suggest subscribing to this video series)

  2. 6:00am results

    Klutch 223 RX
    Todd T 231 RX
    Cris 237 RX
    Tim Mc 236 RX
    Rebecca 169 T2B ROM
    Roni 200 65#
    KT 286 RX
    Kathleen 165 55#/ROM
    Dinger 228 75#/ROM
    Steve M 180 85#

    The 6am crew used the standards as described in the CF Games video. Box jumps needed to show full control on top of the box with hip and knee extension, and jerk technique was allowed for the push press. Way to crush it 6am..

  3. Man sorry I missed this wod with my 6am crew - had to resort to a hotel wod. Must say I do love the look on the faces of the treadmill people as i do burpees in front of them. They really dont know if they should look or not.

  4. It looks like we are counting the number of reps not rounds - is this correct?

  5. Hey Anonymous! yes, see original blog post where it says, as many rounds and reps as possible. Sometimes we only do complete rounds, that is not the case today...

  6. Will counters be provided to help keep track of all of these reps?

  7. Sometimes it helps to use the abacuses(abaci?) for total rounds and then you can do the math...it'll probably depend on the coach though right? I'm sure it'll all work out!

  8. That Anonymous, He's so inquisitive!

    Long overdue results...

    Beth O 259 1arm#15DB/T2BSc
    Vinnie 203 95#
    Rinat 237 Rx
    Sarah W 144 17/45/T2Bsc
    Ryan B 282 Rx
    Mark B 243 95#
    Mike T 311 Rx
    Dianne 240 13/63/T2BSc
    Steph I 221 13/55/T2Bsc
    Barb 220 65/T2Bsc
    Schaefer 268 Rx
    Pam 237 Rx

    Justin H 206 Rx
    Justin R 178 Rx
    PH 231 T2BROM
    Megs 248 Rx
    Joy 225 65/T2Bsc
    Becca 163 75/mommascale
    Brian R 201 Rx
    Robyn 204 17/22/T2Bsc
    Anne 195 45/13/t2Bsc
    Alexis 193 55/t2bSc
    Heather 202 17
    Fayth 205 55/13/t2bSc
    Roman 244 95
    Westwood 144 95/ROM

    I saw some excellent intensity today as well as dedication to standards! Well done! Shout out to Anne who worked so hard she cried :-) WTG lady, keep it up :-)

  9. 5:30
    Sandy 199 65
    Shawn 252 115/scale
    Bre 165 65
    Ben 214 75
    Faby 277 Rx
    Jen S 293 Rx
    Gene 226 Rx
    Ryan S 232 95
    Kelly 304 17/15/knee raises
    Patrick 231 Rx
    Yale 200 75
    Cory 231 45
    Katerina 216 scale

    Al 181 Rx
    JNa 224 17/55/scale
    Vinny 307 Rx
    Sean Ald. 212 85/ROM
    Jeremy 145 95
    Matt B 188 95/20
    Tidmore 180 Rx
    Albert 239 Rx
    Sarah J 171 55/tttttb*
    Kate C 292 Rx
    Conn 182
    Borden 232
    Mike W 202 95
    Erika 188 Rx
    Sam B 302 Rx
    Andrew Y 75 215
    Trey 238
    Leslie 216 17/55/kb
    Stasie 216 plates/45/kb
    Becky 243 65
    Diane 222 scale for t2b
    Chris A 256 75/scale
    Brian 232 65/scale

    you can save time by focusing on less sets for that push press. You can also save time by not resting. That's what Chris Spealler would do.

  10. a big welcome to Kelly who had her FIRST class tonight. Katerina and Brian J. had their second each; Sean Alb. and Cory had their fourth; and Yale was visiting from Maryland. Welcome!

  11. 3rd post since I didn't realize today was Coxhead's birthday. Dude, I know a lot of people admire your strength, flexibility, and dashing good looks, but I think the best thing about you is your approachable attitude. Always smiling and having a good time, you make working out fun! Happy birthday man!

  12. 4th post, sorry I'm tired and need to go to bed.

    Sarah's tttttb* = toes tried to touch the bar

  13. I counted incorrectly!!! I had 5 rounds plus 24 so 204 is my final score...sorry!

  14. Jen S. had a counting issue on this workout. There was a discrepency to whether I had 7 rounds+5 or 8rounds +5. So I'm actually not sure what my real score is.
