

Adventure WOD

Please meet and park at Frosty Falls. This is a FREE WOD for members and does not count towards your membership. We encourage you to bring your friends and family to show them what CrossFit is all about.

Teams of 3 complete the following:

800m run carrying (20" box, 135# barbell, 25# dumbbell)
150 Deadlifts (135#)
150 Step-ups
150 Lunges (45#)
 150 Ground to Overhead (25#)
100 Shake-weights
Every member can work at the same time

Community Notes:
Good luck to Coach Tim and Kate Kenny who will be conquering the Ironman Arizona (IMAZ) today! Click here to read how Laura won a push-up contest against Michelle Jones!

Coaches Notes:
This workout was designed to work smarter, not harder.  All athletes working at once could mean that each person had their own station OR it could mean you helped each other out.  We saw a lot of 2 person deadlifts and it was awesome.  Do not say that you cannot do it...think what you need in order to be able to do it. 

“Life is problems. Living is solving problems.” 
― Raymond E. Feist, Silverthorn

Schaefer/Fab/Kathy: 23:33
Melissa/Tidmore/Alona: 27:44
Peter/Roni/Phil: 26:54

 Let the journey begin...

The new definition of functional fitness

 1st place finishers breaking up the tasks

 2nd place finishers chipping away

 Team three made up more than 7 min through teamwork

Training for the CrossFit Master's competition

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