

Back Squat

Cash Out:
"The Baseline"
500M Row
40 Squats
30 Sit Ups
20 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups

Community Notes:
Congratulations to Sharon on the completion of the CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Course this weekend.

"Transforming A Reservation" CrossFit Journal video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

“Through others we become ourselves.” 
― Lev S. Vygotsky

Gina S. 145#PR/5:22 knees/red band
Mike P. 310#PR/3:59PR
Roni 150#PR/5:27
Kelvin 295#/?
Brian D. 135#/5:25 band
King 205#/4:32
KT 155#/4:59
Mike S. 135#/5:59PR
Klutch 285#/4:20
Kim G. 115#/6:25
Kathleen 105#/6:31 red band
Lauren M 160#PR/5:27 gr band
Jay E 405#/5:00 rx
Mark C 205#/5:06 rx
Peter 220#/4:33 rx
Ryan B 365/4:16 Rx
Olan 235/4:29 Rx
Justin H 235/4:47 Rx
Roman 195/5:51 Rx
Robin 65/8:05 knees/JPU
Jesse H 75/6:27 knees/band
Lisa C 118.5/6:28 knees/band
Mike T 235/4:06 Rx
Jen S 155/5:17 Rx
Laura 125/4:18 Rx
Krista M 75/ 7:52 JPU
Schaefer 275/4:29 Rx
Patrick 185/4:51 Rx
Oliver 315/3:37 Rx
Flounder 185/5:42 ROM
Shawn 245/5:08 JPU
Ken 165/6:13 Rx
Derreck 255 5:42 Rx
Borden 275/5:48
Megs 145/4:49
Brian R 190
Vinny 310
Jen K 95/ 7:15
Sarah J 105/8:25 green band
Erika 135/5:36 jumping
Alison K 175/5:04 thin blue
Kate C 175/4:20
Dan M 185/5:16 (400m run)
Tall Dan 225/4:31
Al 245 / 5:36 (400m run)
Jess C 145/5:07
Matt Kegs 185/?
Jackie 140/6:12 knees, green
Diego 205PR/4:57
Tidmore 175/4:42
Trey 135/?
Andrew 185/5:16
Mark W 155/5:11 (400m run)
Al V 300 ROM
Ben 165/4:43
Conn 215/5:05 (400m run)
Chris A 135/ 6:32 Rx
Joy 120-safety squat bar/6:29 ROM
Alexis 115/6:08 (two stupid little black bands)
Nicole Mc 45/7:53 band
Becca 115/8:31 Mama scale
Justin R 195/5:30
Tracy 145/5:25 green
Steve M 175/6:59 purple
Jessie 100/5:55 band
Steph I 90/ 8:48 band
Sharon 145/6:29 Rx
Cate 225/4:34Rx
Aimee 195/4:17Rx
Keith 275/4:30Rx
Jerry 3:57Rx
Jonathan 5:02 Rx
Barb 85/6:28 ROM
Susan 155/6:38 RX
Paul F 195 ROM/5:52 black
Steph 205/7:10 RX
Mike W 215/6:26RX
Sarah W 75/9:25
Amanda D 85/6:56 Red
Kara 103 6:07 blue
Chris T. 103 6:29 Floss
Tim H 235/ 7:20 green
Jna 115/8:00Red
Tim Mcc 265/4:33


  1. 6am
    Gina S. 145#PR/5:22 knees/red band
    Mike P. 310#PR/3:59PR
    Roni 150#PR/5:27
    Kelvin 295#/?
    Brian D. 135#/5:25 band
    King 205#/4:32
    KT 155#/4:59
    Mike S. 135#/5:59PR
    Klutch 285#/4:20
    Kim G. 115#/6:25
    Kathleen 105#/6:31 red band

    Great numbers this morning guys. Shout out to Mike P. who PR'd BOTH his 5RM Squat up to 310# and Baseline.

    Remember to note your baselines time and scale. Done once or twice a year, this is a great way to gauge real improvements in strength and metcon.

  2. 7am

    Lauren M 160#PR/5:27 gr band
    Jay E 405#/5:00 rx
    Mark C 205#/5:06 rx
    Peter 220#/4:33 rx

    Great work on improving that baseline!

  3. Laura asked for feedback on having a metcon paired with the strength workout and my two cents: I thought it was great!

  4. everyone can get through a few 400 or even 800m runs in a workout...but if you don't have the strength necessary to deadlift/backsquat/power clean, etc. ___lbs. then you should get on your way to being able to do so...strength + SHORT metcon is the way to go in my book

  5. and congrats Sharon! the cert is a brain overload, but I hope you got something out of it

  6. 4:30

    Ryan B 365/4:16 Rx
    Olan 235/4:29 Rx
    Justin H 235/4:47 Rx
    Roman 195/5:51 Rx
    Robin 65/8:05 knees/JPU
    Jesse H 75/6:27 knees/band
    Lisa C 118.5/6:28 knees/band
    Mike T 235/4:06 Rx


    Jen S 155/5:17 Rx
    Laura 125/4:18 Rx
    Krista M 75/ 7:52 JPU
    Schaefer 275/4:29 Rx
    Patrick 185/4:51 Rx
    Oliver 315/3:37 Rx
    Flounder 185/5:42 ROM
    Shawn 245/5:08 JPU
    Ken 165/6:13 Rx
    Derreck 255 5:42 Rx

  7. 6:30 BAC

    Borden 275/5:48
    Megs 145/4:49
    Brian R 190
    Vinny 310
    Jen K 95/ 7:15
    Sarah J 105/8:25 green band
    Erika 135/5:36 jumping
    Alison K 175/5:04 thin blue
    Kate C 175/4:20
    Dan M 185/5:16 (400m run)
    Tall Dan 225/4:31
    Al 245 / 5:36 (400m run)
    Jess C 145/5:07
    Matt Kegs 185/?
    Jackie 140/6:12 knees, green
    Diego 205PR/4:57
    Tidmore 175/4:42
    Trey 135/?
    Andrew 185/5:16
    Mark W 155/5:11 (400m run)
    Al V 300 ROM
    Ben 165/4:43
    Conn 215/5:05 (400m run)

    Thank you to those that volunteered to run for the baseline since we had so many people tonight. Nice work on the backsquats too.

  8. ROM next to a name means that the Range of Motion on the Repetition wasn't as the coach explained was preferred and expected for the movement. For example, not reaching proper depth on a squat, not touching chest to the deck on the push up, not fully extending the hip in a deadlift, not fully extending the hip at he top of the squat, not getting your shoulder ahead of your hip in the sit up.

  9. ROM refers to taking the joints though their natural anatomical end ranges per movement. This helps keep the joint healthy and flexible as it maintains natural joint ability and promotes the development of muscular balance across the joint...therefore full ROM will contribute to using more muscles and maximizing power.

  10. Throwing a challenge out for Chris T, Kara, Alexis, Tracy D, Amanda D, Joy, and Jessie....you are some strong ladies, lets ditch the bands this month work on our kipping pull-ups. We have some assistance work for you too...ask your coaches!

  11. CONGRATULATIONS Sharon!!!!!!! De load from the weekend and then lets talk!!! So awesome!
