

 "BAC"= Big ass class! 
Way to get it Brian R!
 Chris A!
 Visit from Christina!
 Mike T!

CrossFit King of Prussia will be CLOSED for the 6:00 AM, 9:30 AM & Noon classes today due to Hurricane "Sandy"

We plan to re-open at 4:30PM; if there is no damage or flooding of the Schuykill...the WOD for the 4:30/5:30/6:30 and 7:30PM will be the following.

2 Rounds for time of:
50 Pull-ups
75 Double Unders
50 Push Jerks (75/115#)
75 Sit ups

"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves." 
-Thomas Alva Edison

Jason 30:42 Rx
Aimee 23:16 Rx
Brian/Rob 21:34 scale
Sharon/Jessie 24:33 scale
Joy/Bre 23:36 scale
Todd B/Christina 29:35 scale
Todd R time cap
Balmer 29:26 Rx
Megs 27:33Rings DB
Kate C 29:37 Rx
Becky 41:14 Ring Pull-ups
Vinny 21:42 Rx
Ryan 32:03 Rx
Kate K 28:22 55
Schaefer 30:20 Rx
Faby 34:36 Rx
Gripp 37:20 DB35
Flounder 36:38 25DB/band
Liz T 24:34 15Db/25Pull-ups
King 33:44 Rx
Byrnsie 31:46 Rx
Cris A 35:53 Rx
Olan 39:42 Rx
Kimbo 15:40 1rnd KBS 15Dbs
Coxhead 21:52 Rx
Mike T 23:36 Rx
Jerry 38:28 115/95
Alison 30:45 75/mf
BJ 36;07 Rx
Gene 39:43 Rx
Ryan S 36:51 75/dua
Lisa C 35:30 45/su/band
Miranda 27:46 25/blue
Erika 34:48 63/dua/band
Steph V 36:35 75/band
Jackie 37:29 55/45/su/band
Kathleen 32:40 45/band
Rinat 34:08 95#
Jeff 32:15 45/band/modified reps
Stasie 41:40 35# su
Derreck 41:28 115 dua
Nick 40:00 115 su
AJ 41:27 115 su
Al 41:17 115 band su
Paul 39:07 su
Oleg 37:29 su
Dan 40:50 75 band
Mike S 41:37 65 floss
Shoeless 23:46 115 1/2 reps


  1. We will be open this evening, there is currently power at the gym and no flooding

  2. 4:30

    Jason 30:42 Rx
    Aimee 23:16 Rx
    Brian/Rob 21:34 scale
    Sharon/Jessie 24:33 scale
    Joy/Bre 23:36 scale
    Todd B/Christina 29:35 scale
    Todd R time cap
    Balmer 29:26 Rx
    Megs 27:33Rings DB
    Kate C 29:37 Rx
    Becky 41:14 Ring Pull-ups
    Vinny 21:42 Rx
    Ryan 32:03 Rx
    Kate K 28:22 55
    Schaefer 30:20 Rx
    Faby 34:36 Rx
    Gripp 37:20 DB35
    Flounder 36:38 25DB/band
    Liz T 24:34 15Db/25Pull-ups
    King 33:44 Rx
    Byrnsie 31:46 Rx
    Cris A 35:53 Rx
    Olan 39:42 Rx
    Kimbo 15:40 1rnd KBS 15Dbs
    Coxhead 21:52 Rx
    Mike T 23:36 Rx

    This was a huge class!!! If we missed anyone please post your results.

  3. 4:30

    Jason 30:42 Rx
    Aimee 23:16 Rx
    Brian/Rob 21:34 scale
    Sharon/Jessie 24:33 scale
    Joy/Bre 23:36 scale
    Todd B/Christina 29:35 scale
    Todd R time cap
    Balmer 29:26 Rx
    Megs 27:33Rings DB
    Kate C 29:37 Rx
    Becky 41:14 Ring Pull-ups
    Vinny 21:42 Rx
    Ryan 32:03 Rx
    Kate K 28:22 55
    Schaefer 30:20 Rx
    Faby 34:36 Rx
    Gripp 37:20 DB35
    Flounder 36:38 25DB/band
    Liz T 24:34 15Db/25Pull-ups
    King 33:44 Rx
    Byrnsie 31:46 Rx
    Cris A 35:53 Rx
    Olan 39:42 Rx
    Kimbo 15:40 1rnd KBS 15Dbs
    Coxhead 21:52 Rx
    Mike T 23:36 Rx

    This was a huge class!!! If we missed anyone please post your results.

  4. 5:30
    Jerry 38:28 115/95
    Alison 30:45 75/mf
    BJ 36;07 Rx
    Gene 39:43 Rx
    Ryan S 36:51 75/dua
    Lisa C 35:30 45/su/band
    Miranda 27:46 25/blue
    Erika 34:48 63/dua/band
    Steph V 36:35 75/band
    Jackie 37:29 55/45/su/band
    Kathleen 32:40 45/band
    Rinat 34:08 95#
    Jeff 32:15 45/band/modified reps

    welcome to Jeff to his first class at KoP! good job everyone, those push presses were killer!

  5. 6:30

    Stasie 41:40 35# su
    Derreck 41:28 115 dua
    Nick 40:00 115 su
    AJ 41:27 115 su
    Al 41:17 115 band su


    Paul 39:07 su
    Oleg 37:29 su
    Dan 40:50 75 band
    Mike S 41:37 65 floss
    Shoeless 23:46 115 1/2 reps

    Classes worked with a 40 minute time cap. We added 1 second to their times for every rep not completed.

  6. I gotta give props to Brian. You give your heart and soul to this and you concentrate on form and could care less about the clock. I love that and it is reflected in this picture. I love how you are upright and clearly moving your head out of the way of a perfectly straight bar path. Good on you buddy and keep up the great work!

  7. Thanks for the kind words, Jason. Means a lot

  8. I think that's the first props Jason has given out in 4 years...well deserved!
