

50 Push ups
10 SumoDeadlift High Pull (75/115#)
40 Push ups
20 SumoDeadlift High Pull (75/115#)
30 Push ups
30 SumoDeadlift High Pull (75/115#)
20 Push ups
40 SumoDeadlift High Pull (75/115#)
10 Push ups
50 SumoDeadlift High Pulls (75/115#)

“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young.”
- Henry Ford

Derreck 28:37 65
Klutch 23:18 Rx
Ryan B 18:10 Rx
King 26:03 95
Tim McC 20:03 105
Kim G 22:54 55# Mod PU
Kathy G 25:42 Mod PU 22
Tidmore 26:25 85
Patrick 27:39 Rx
Andrew 25:52 Mod PU 65 


  1. This looks awesome . . . . stupid rest day :(

  2. 9:00 AM

    Derreck 28:37 65
    Klutch 23:18 Rx
    Ryan B 18:10 Rx
    King 26:03 95
    Tim McC 20:03 105
    Kim G 22:54 55# Mod PU

    10:00 AM

    Kathy G 25:42 Mod PU 22
    Tidmore 26:25 85
    Patrick 27:39 Rx
    Andrew 25:52 Mod PU 65

    Happy Birthday to King!! He turned 44 years young today! Both the 9 and 10am classes did 44 burpees together to Celebrate. Hope you have a great day!

  3. Keith - thanks for the b-day wishes - sorry to the 9am and 10am classes - 44 burpees is not want you want to do before or after that wod. Cheers!

  4. Patrick said...

    Happy birthday King

  5. When you swing a golf club, the rotational movement you make involves several muscle groups moving in a way that they are not used to. Core golf fitness involves strengthening these muscle groups. You cannot do that by Maximum Power XL lifting weights or by any other exercise but moving them as they move when swinging the golf club. Even attaching some exercise tubing to a door and holding it while you swing will do the job. I am sure you can think of other ways to make a golf swing movement while holding something that resists that movement. Overcoming the resistance is what builds the strength.
