

5 Rounds for time of:
10 Box jumps (20/21"-24/25")
10 Squat Snatch (65/95#)
1 Rope Climb 20 ft

Community Notes:
Tonight will be the last chance to get your measurements done pre-challenge and complete the baseline WOD from Monday at open gym. If you are still thinking about the challenge, the rules are simple: Get measured, Do the baseline WOD, keep a Journal (Zone, Paleo or whatever your pleasure)---at the end of the month, hand in the journal, do the baseline WOD and get measured again.  There will be one team winner and one individual male/female.

Open gym starts at 6:30PM. There will also be a Steve's Club adult/kid WOD running in tandem with open gym. 

“Giving is a universal opportunity. Regardless of your age, profession, religion, income bracket, and background, you have the capacity to create change.”
Laura Arrillaga-Andreessen - Philanthropist

K.T. 21:10
Chip 21:13
Balmer 20:02
Cris A 18:40
Laura P 16:28
Ryan S 24:19
John Sch 22:58
Mike T 13:40
Keith B 18:58
Tim P 12:49
Jim C 18:59
Aimee 12:18

Bekah 17:23 45/Rope Pulls
Peter 21:01 pulls
Kristin 19:39 (35#,RP)
Gina 21:45 (45#,pulls
Steve Z 19:49, (35#, pulls)
King 23:40 (15')
Pat P 22:13 (75#,pulls)
Susie 16:43 (50#,20/15pulls)
Sam Bo :(
Brian D 21:!5 (35#,4pulls)
Roni 23:34 (55#,pulls+rope)
Patrick 18:44 75 ROM
Dan L 14:10 75
Gene 21:75 95 pulls
Klutch 17:27 95 ROM
Derreck 20:31 95 pulls
Sharon 18:40 OHS pulls
Jess C 19:25 45 18'-20'
Travis Mc 24:53 65 pulls
Kyle N 12:35 45 ROM pulls
Geoff 15:45 65
Kathleen 20:24 35 ROM Pulls
Beth O 21:53 35#/pulls
Susan 20:03 53#/15ft
Kate C -ouchie
JP. M-23:49 35#/rope once 20ft/then pulls
Byrnsie 19:29 (4 rds)
Ryan 16:50 Rope pulls
Brian R 17:27 Rope pulls
Joe C 19:30 (75#/15ft)
Rob Ph 14:01 Rope pulls
Becca 16:46 4rds/rope pulls
Lam ouchie
WW 19:19 OHS 65#
Roman 18:25 75#
JZ 18:18 75#
Mike W 19:49 15ft/35#db


  1. 6am,7am

    K.T. 21:10
    Chip 21:13
    Balmer 20:02
    Cris A 18:40
    Laura P 16:28

    Bekah 17:23 45/Rope Pulls
    Peter 21:01 pulls
    Kristin 19:39 (35#,RP)
    Gina 21:45 (45#,pulls
    Steve Z 19:49, (35#, pulls)
    King 23:40 (15')
    Pat P 22:13 (75#,pulls)
    Susie 16:43 (50#,20/15pulls)
    Sam Bo :(
    Brian D 21:!5 (35#,4pulls)
    Roni 23:34 (55#,pulls+rope)

  2. 5:30

    Patrick 18:44 75 ROM
    Dan L 14:10 75
    Gene 21:75 95 pulls
    Klutch 17:27 95 ROM
    Derreck 20:31 95 pulls
    Sharon 18:40 OHS pulls
    Jess C 19:25 45 18'-20'
    Travis Mc 24:53 65 pulls
    Kyle N 12:35 45 ROM pulls
    Ryan S 24:19 Rx
    Geoff 15:45 65
    Kathleen 20:24 35 ROM Pulls
    John Sch 22:58 Rx

    Nice work tonight everyone! This WOD was deceivingly hard.

  3. Baseline Results for Challenge

    Ditty - 114 reps/102.5 c&j
    Alexis - 107 reps/87 c&j
    Joy - 134 reps/100 c&j

  4. Hey guys I left some print outs at the box for my Paleo Cooking class at Plymouth Whitemarsh for those that are interested in signing up, take one of the flyers and mail it in :) More details can be found here on my blog post: http://www.laurapappashealth.com/2012/08/fall-cooking-class-plymouth-whitemarsh-high-school/

  5. 4:30 results


    Ryan 16:50 Rope pulls
    Brian R 17:27 Rope pulls
    Joe C 19:30 (75#/15ft)
    Rob Ph 14:01 Rope pulls
    Becca 16:46 4rds/rope pulls
    Lam ouchie
    WW 19:19 OHS 65#
    Roman 18:25 75#
    JZ 18:18 75#
    Mike W 19:49 15ft/35#db
